Chapter 18

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This was it. I was standing right by the edge of a pit that seemed to glow with the very essence of hatred and contempt. It was pulling me in, an unknown magnetic force trying to force me into the swirling pool of  darkness. I had everything i needed. My Magical Backpack, with clothes, my sword, some spare daggers, my pomegranate seeds, ambrosia, nectar, unicorn draught.   With a deep breath, I remember all those I knew. Percy, and his gorgeous face, Annabeth, who despite being Percy's girlfriend, I loved like a sister. Hazel, a new relative, a new sister of mine. The bats. Bruce, Dick, Tim... If they knew what I was doing, I'm sure they'd be proud of me. Hopefully.

Hopefully they miss me...

And slowly, I took a step, one foot hanging over the emptiness below. And then I was pulled in, tumbling, falling. All I could see was the tip of the largest tunnel I had ever been in. A last glance of the underworld, as I turned to face what would the new land. This would be a tough journey. One I needed to finish, for the sake of the world. The only way I could find the gates in the mortal realm, is if I actually used them. Which meant only one thing. I had to travel through Tartarus.

And with that thought in mind, I fell, for what seemed to be forever.


Bruce Wayne was in a panic. He had just gone to his most recently adopted son's room to find it empty of everything but his drawing book, pencils and two sheets of paper on the bed. So of course he called everybody and then looked at the notes. One in English, the other in... greek? That one must be for Diana. He sighed.

"Diana, hey, we need to talk, Nico... he's gone missing. I found two notes saying that he ran away to meet some family he'd managed to contact- his father, and.. some Step-Grandfather T. There was a note for you.. you should come and check it out."

"Right, of course. Did you just say, Step-grandfather T?!"

"Yes... are you aware of anything about this man? Your letter was written in greek, so forgive me for translating it. He said that he may be back. Now this does sound like he left, but I don't know, there is a chance he may have been kidnapped, and forced to write these letters or something..."

"No, no that's definitely him running away."

"H-How do you know that?"

"He wrote in Greek. If someone was forcing him to write it, then he would have put some secret message in it to make sure we know what happened. There are literally no villains except cheetah who can read greek. And she's in jail right now, sulking at me."

"Right, well, come as soon as you can. We must bring him back. He could be in danger."


"Diana, wait a sec, he also told you to visit your family...? Anything off about that?"

There was a slight pause on Diana's end.

"Ah, he must have remembered that I told him I was very close to my mother, and you know, I haven't visited in a couple decades. He must have not wanted me to waste time since he was gone. He probably wanted me to enjoy that 'family spirit' as well."


Bruce ended the call, and pressed a hand to forehead.

"Any news?" Dick asked, softly.

"No. She was surprised. Diana said she'd be coming by later to check out her note. She wants to see it herself."


"Well, I miss him too, okay, Bruce, but the bad guys are still out there. Batman can't just.. take a break. Go with Tim, I'll stay here and check up on any information and go over everything again. I am a detective, you know, I can do a little bit."

"Right, ok Dick, stay here and go over Nico's disappearance. Make sure we find out whether it was intentional or forced, and find out why."

"Ok, B. You got a new guy to meet today. Somebody's been lurking around Crime Alley. Messing Black Mask. Wears a Red Helmet, but goes by the name Red Hood. It's not joker, but using that alias... it can't be anybody good. Go check him out."

"Red Hood... right, Tim, suit up, and come with me."

And with that, that Batman made his dramatic exit, leaving Dick Grayson amidst a pile of papers and a bunch of computers, each one open to a new page regarding Nico di Angelo.

"Nico... what happened? I thought you liked staying here with us." Dick said, before sighing deeply.

"Just where are you, and why did you leave?"


A/N, hope you liked it. A small chapter today, it's basically about Nico going to Tartarus and the Bats looking for him. And the introduction of a certain 'dead man' into the story.

This is a sort of transition into the more hectic and more intense part of the story which will start with the next chapter. Don't know when it's going to be done, or out, but hopefully soon. Love it if you could drop a vote and a comment, let me know what you think. Have an amazing day, or night, wherever you are!

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