Chapter 24

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"Hey Sunshine boy, where are we going?" I asked, fumbling around, trying to hold my boyfriend's hand as we got the Hecate kids to open up a portal.

"Sec-ret!" he replied, laughing. I love his smile. So, so much. It just brightens up the world. If only I had noticed him sooner... I think I would've found happiness much earlier.

He was taking me out on a date today, but I had no idea where. Well actually, no it was pretty obvious. For Sunshine boy to tell me to get dressed up in swimming trunks and get my sunblock, it was quite clear we were going to the beach. But he wanted it to be a surprise, I'm sure, so let's pretend not to know. It was hard not to smile at his childishness.

Did I mention how much I love him?

"So Lou Ellen, is the portal ready?!" Will asked, looking at what seemed to be a purple spiral of air. 

"Yup!" she said, beaming at us. Lou was one of our closest friends, ever since the battle, where she turned the romans into pigs. She was fun to be around, granted, but sometimes she did get a bit too magical, and in all honesty, I was not looking forward to be turned into anything. Being turned into a daisy was one more magical endeavour than preferred.

 "Will, remind me, why can't I just shadow travel us to where we're going?", I asked, staring at the portal dubiously. 

"You can't! Doctor's orders! Not on our date! Besides, it's a surprise, and it won't be a surprise if you know where we're going!" he chided, before grabbing my hand, "Let's go!"


I swore to myself just then that I would avoid portals if possible. It reminded me of my time with Jason, when he took us flying. Not entirely too pleasant.


"We're here, Neeks! Look! It's Happy Harbor Beach! One of the best rated ones on Rhode Island! I got us an AirBnB for three days. But we got to check the place our first. AirBnBs can be quite a bit creepy at times- with cameras in clocks, and all that. I mean, why would anybody even do that?!"

"Don't ask me." I said, raising my hands, sighing softly, "Wait, we're staying overnight? I didn't bring any clothes-"

"I know! I packed for both of us. I couldn't just tell you that we're going on a trip, so..."

I couldn't stop the laugh that burst out of my throat. Sometimes I find it odd that I have the ability to laugh after everything. But then again, with my Sunshine by my side, it would probably be possible for me to do just about anything. Gods I love him so much.

"Ok, then! Let's go check out the beach!" Will said, picking up the bags that I had not noticed he brought along.

I nodded softly and followed him. 

These three days were going to be paradise.


"Nightwing. Today's mission is complete. Do we have anything planned for this week?" Red-Robin asked, as he stared up from the dining table in the Mountain.

"Not really. It's still pretty light out. Do you guys want to go on a bonding activity? It's been a long  time since we've gone out- the last time was probably when it was just six of us. We can go down to the beach."

"That sounds fun. Let me go tell the others."

"Yup! Time for some team bonding."


A/N OK. Updated this one again, finally. Small, I know, but like I said, schedule's been freer recently, so I'll work on this a bit more. What do you think? First actual appearance of a certain Mr. Solace. I skipped the entire action-y bit of the books cus everybody who's read HoO knows it and my job is not to rewrite, but to fill the gaps with my fanfic powers. SO, here we are. I am involving the YJ just for this chapter, to give an excuse for Dick and Tim to find Neeks. They're not gonna reunite just yet, let me say that. There's going to be some feelings coming up pretty soon, and all of them may not be too sweet and fun. BTW, the YJ in the chapter is BEFORE season 2, but after the whole new team kicks in. Arty and Wally  aren't a part of it, but RR and BB and the others are. LMK what you think, vote comment, all that. LY guys for all that sweet stuff you've been saying, thanks. Have a great day or night (or in between?), wherever you are!

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