Chapter 8. Establishing Authority

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For the rest of the week Taylor and Richard trained Kaitlyn in everything she needed to know about Taylor's business and personal life at home. Every morning she was up at 8am sorting through Taylor's mail, answering his phone calls, filing his papers, copying, scanning, and typing memos, and business letters, which were the usual routine. Every day she learned something new to add to her responsibilities like handling Taylor's very busy calendar and making complex travel arrangements in and out of the U.S. She was also his bookkeeper in business and his domestic life which she found a little intimidating. She hadn't known she'd be the one issuing the paychecks to the household staffs.

Friday, Richard had showed her another office in the mansion which was on the first floor and told her it was hers starting Monday. She'd gasped at the huge office decorated in modern style. He told her she would still use the desk in Taylor's office when he needed her close for something important, but the office on the first floor belonged to her to manage the household affairs.

She had no clue Taylor had only wanted to train her for just that week. She'd ask him if he was leaving her on her own too soon in which he responded that she was during exceptionally well but he didn't have any more time to babysit her. Leave it to him to compliment and insult her all in one sentence. She found out that he had a secretary at his office downtown, but needed Kaitlyn to do the work his secretary wasn't able to during her 8 to 5 hours. His job was a 24hour job, apparently so was hers. Even though she had the weekends off, she still had to be on call for him and the problems that rose in the mansion.

Kaitlyn found Taylor in the study. Every night he was in a different room. She learned to call him on his cell phone to find him in the big mansion. The study was filled with books shelves, with a desk and computer, a small fireplace, and a window. Taylor was sitting on the couch with a laptop in his lap. He was wearing reading glasses. She walked across the thick carpet and sat the cup of tea on a small table in front of him. He glanced up at her in amusement before looking back at his laptop. A stray lock of brown hair fell over his forehead making her smile. Even with glasses, the man was fine.

"Nine o clock sharp every night a cup of tea is sat in front of me no matter where I'm at. You're very proficient at being on time. I like that."

"Thank you," Kaitlyn smiled at him and turned to leave.

"Sit down Kaitlyn," he ordered.

She stopped and turned to look at him. He was still typing on the laptop. She sat down on a couch across from him. The room was quiet except the clicking of the keys on his laptop and the gentle crackling of the fireplace.

"I've set up a bank account in your name for direct deposit of your payments every two weeks. "I've also given you a signing bonus. I figured you may need a little spending money until you get paid. Richard has delivered the paperwork to your apartment."

"Oh, thank you," Kaitlyn gave him a gracious smile.

Taylor finally closed the laptop and set it aside. He took off his glasses, picked up his tea, and took a few sips while watching her with those brown eyes of his. "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

"I was planning to explore the city," Kaitlyn said. "Do they have buses that run through here?"

"Why do you need to ride a bus when Jason can drive you anywhere you want?"

"Oh, I guess I have to get use to some things."

"Of course," Taylor agreed. "Your life has completely changed from living in Atlanta." He took another sip from his cup enjoying the tea. "I don't want you to go anywhere alone. If you must go out, then I will have someone to accompany you."

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