Chapter 9. A Day Together

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Kaitlyn moaned in ecstasy as Taylor sucked a hard swollen nipple in his mouth. Her back was pressed against the wall of the study, her legs wrapped around his thighs. He'd ripped open her blouse and torn off her bra in a moment of madness.

"We can't, this is wrong," Taylor whispered hotly as she moved her thighs to cuddle his erection. She pushed against him causing him to groan and push up her short skirt.

"You want this as much as I do," Kaitlyn told him as he kissed his way down her belly. His hands grabbed her panties and tore them away. She watched as he placed her on her feet and knelt down in front of her.

"You're right, I do. I can't fight you anymore, Kaitlyn," Taylor draped her thigh over his shoulder.

Kaitlyn gasped when she realized what he was about to do. "Taylor!"

"Kaitlyn" he mumbled as he bent his head slowly towards her. Kaitlyn buried her fingers in his hair.

"Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn....KAITLYN!"

Kaitlyn jumped up in bed scared half out of her wits when she realized someone was actually calling her name. She pulled the covers over her and quickly looked around. "Who's there? Who's in my room?!" she asked in alarm.

"I'm not in your room, I'm on the intercom," Taylor's annoyed voice spoke loud and clear to her.

The intercom, she'd forgotten about it. "What do you want?" she asked trying to calm down her racing heart. She was beginning to get angry. He'd awakened her from a very erotic dream that she had been enjoying. It had felt so real. In the dream, she had stayed in the study with him last night. She hadn't run away.

"I changed my mind. It's my responsibility to make sure you learn your way around the city. I brought you here after all, I'm the one that's responsible for you; I can't just throw you on someone else. Get dressed and be ready at 12:00pm. Richard will bring your breakfast to you in a few minutes."

She heard the intercom click off. He hadn't even waited to see if she had anything to say about his change of heart. The man was seriously beginning to get on her nerves with his attitude. "It's my responsibility, responsibility," she mocked him trying to replicate his voice. She was so tired of hearing him refer to her as a "responsibility."

"What did you say?" Taylor's voice filled the room.

Kaitlyn jumped. "I thought you were gone."

There was silence for a moment, before he finally spoke. "Get ready, Kaitlyn. I'll see you at twelve. Meet me downstairs in the living room."

She waited awhile to see if he was gone. "Hello?" she asked. No response. She decided to keep her thoughts to herself just in case he was still there.

Her body was sticky with sweat and when she pulled the covers back there was a suspiciously large wet spot on the sheets right between her legs. She blushed and quickly gathered the sheets and took them to the laundry hamper to be washed. The maids who came in every morning to make her bed were not about to discover she was hot for her boss.

It was the first erotic dream she'd ever had about him and she had a feeling it wouldn't be her last. What had she gotten herself into? She knew she might develop a harmless little crush on him the day they sat in Denny's discussing her new life, but she hadn't expected him to be attracted to her, which was why she felt comfortable enough to take the job. Knowing her boss wanted her as much as she wanted him, complicated things immensely between them. Living with him wasn't going to be easy. She wondered if she would have to move out.

Richard had brought her brunch and sat it on the table in her kitchen while she showered. She walked out in her robe, delighted to find a tray of fruit, muffins, and eggs benedict to snack on. Like always, they gave her way too much to eat for one person. She ate what she could and put the rest in her refrigerator, which was already filled with leftovers, then got dressed. Depending on Taylor's mood, they were either going to have fun or have a very long, stressful day together.

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