21 | Family

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"No, don't leave." I pulled Leo back to me. We arrived at Lorenzo's place and I showed him my room. He didn't question what I was doing living with Lorenzo and I appreciated that, because how do I explain that my current best friend also technically kinda kidnapped me?

Lorenzo said that Leo could stay over since it was already late. I'm sure there was another reason he wanted to keep him here for but he didn't speak on it. Fishy.

"I can't believe we're fucking related." He lifted the fluffy comforter and got under it, opening his arms so that I could lay in them.

I can't believe we're fudging related either. But the proof, the documents, and the birth certificate didn't lie. Of course he wanted to do a test just to make sure we were one hundred percent siblings.

I had no doubt that he was actually Alexander. Brutha. It's his eyes, the exact copy of mamans.

"Don't you think that text was weird?" I was concerned for him. Losing him after just finding him again would be my biggest nightmare. I'm not letting go of Leo. Never.

My head was directly over his heart and I could feel it pick up in his chest, the quick pace making me wonder what had gotten him so scared.

Coughing, he said, "Yeah. Yeah, it's weird." I thought I almost heard him mumble an apology to me but I was too busy trying to take in the fact that my brother was here with me.

Neither of us said anything for a while, we just held each other. It was nice, comforting. I never allowed myself to try and enjoy being held by another person, but this was different.

"What was she like?" My heart broke at how vulnerable and sad he sounded.

"Think of the best person you know."

"I'm thinking of her."

"Now, think of someone who is ten times better than that person. No offense to that person, but maman was an angel."

He pulled me closer to his chest, as if he was reminding himself that I was real. "I can't imagine someone being better than you."

This kid.

"Shut up, you're going to make me cry." I didn't like being mushy and as much as I greatly appreciated his kind words, I didn't know how to accept them. They made me feel icky.

"Do you like Lorenzo?"

"Of course I do, he's my friend. He's not as mean as he acts, you just have to wait for him to warm up to you."

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