2 | Catch Me If You Can

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Staring at the textured wall in front of me, I felt my heart drop down to my stomach, the sinking feeling making me feel as if the acid had dissolved it.

"What do we do with her?"

I subtly wiggled my wrists that were behind me as I attempted to free myself of the restraints that were holding me to the chair. This is uncomfy.

"Do we keep her? Kill her?"

Two of the men in front of me looked at the man who I gave chocolate to, Paolo, and slapped him upside the head. "Kill her? Did you not hear Enzo telling us not to lay a hand on her?"

"What if I just touch her hair," he leaned towards his buddies and loudly whispered, "It looks soft, no?"

"Questo idiota mi farà perdere la testa," the blond next to him sighed.

This idiot is going to make me lose my mind.

"Hi love, I'm Marco." Although his voice was soft and soothing, it didn't help ease my fear. The thought of uncle Finn behind all of this dominated my jumbled worries. "We won't hurt you, I promise." Marco bent down to sit on the balls of his feet as he lifted my head up, allowing me to meet the chocolaty swirl that his brown eyes held. I held myself back from complimenting his eyelashes because of how perfectly they fanned out. So pretty.

The color of his hair was darker than mine, resembling a dark, starless night. I wonder if he'd allow me to put glitter in his hair so that his head could resemble a star filled sky.

"Hi?" I question, my voice coming out weaker than I intended it to.

"Move fucker, you're scaring her. Let me try."

"She's not a baby," Marco huffed and furrowed his thick brows at the brown haired man.

"Paolo, nice to meet you!" The excited man held his hand out and I looked it with a pout, I can't shake his hand because mine are tied behind me. "My bad..." He awkwardly took his hand and dragged it through his golden locks, making me smile because of how sweet he seemed, a distinct juxtaposition between his appearance and personality. And his Italian accent was thick and noticeable, making everything that came out of his mouth sound just more interesting.

Marco was same in the sense that he carried an accent, but his words came out elegantly and soft, making him sound like a wise old man.

A blond stepped up behind him and I instantly stiffened because of the mean glare he was sending me. "This is Rocco, he's an asshole so don't let him get to you."

Nodding, I captured my bottom lip in between my teeth and sank them into the flesh so that they wouldn't notice the way they trembled.

They're all so pretty.

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