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Although I've learned not to allow negative, hateful comments to get to me, I am tired. I enjoy looking through my notifications and reading all the sweet comments my readers have left for me, however, the awful words of some of you stick out like a sore thumb.

I am such a kind hearted girl with so much love to give and so much kindness to pour into everyone's cups, so I am not trying to be a nasty author right now but I have to say this. I am frustrated.

I have a disclaimer at the very beginning of this book. It is the FIRST thing you read. None of you are obligated or being forced to read my book, yet you act like I am not a human and that I'm simply a robot who can give you what you want.

I have a very complex personal life and I have been going through so much ever since I started this book which is why my updates have never been consistent. Please stop leaving hateful comments that I do not care about my readers or my book when that is so obviously not the case.

Do any of you think before leaving comments? Or are you just so entitled and egotistical that you think leaving these absolutely disgusting comments in regards to my character and book are okay?

What I find beyond comical is that I will receive consistent hate comments from certain individuals and they will STILL CONTINUE to read the book. Like LEAVE! I do not want your negative energy and I want this book to be a SAFE SPACE. Not a disgusting space that you infect with your negative comments that you clearly did not think about before publishing.

I understand this is a public platform, people are entitled to their own opinions, but the hateful and negative people don't even leave constructive criticism, they just leave absolutely DISGUSTING comments. I'll have certain individual's who will leave negative comments on every other chapter and that's the only thing they contribute. Why are you still reading? Nobody cares if you don't like the chapter, if you don't like Catalina, if you don't like the plot, if you don't like Catalina's outfit, etc.. if you can't comment constructive criticism—WHICH IS SOMETHING I EVEN ASK OF YOU GUYS— Then just leave! I don't understand why people bother to spend their LIMITED energy on being so hateful and awful.

I am only a girl!!!! I am not some experienced author and I didn't even think before writing this book, I just write. This book was written for me. So I can cope and feel better and find joy, not so I can attract nasty people who act like they're so entitled to my updates when you don't even ENJOY? My book.

I am human. Just like you. I am figuring life out. Just like you. I have been through and seen hell throughout my entire life and I only started this book to give myself an out but now I just want to take down my book!!!!

I don't know if I will continue Built for Sin and I don't know if I will keep it up at this rate because it has gained a lot of popularity and attention but it is nothing positive. I don't have the time or energy to deal with people like this and I am tired. I enjoy interacting with my readers but I have reached a limit.

I don't know when I will be back and it's crazy that this is even a THING for me when there are so many problems in the world right now and so many different ways that human rights are being abused and I have to come out here to say THIS. This is disgusting.

I hope my loving readers and supporters, whether you are silent or vocal, know that I love you dearly and will continue to love you forever. Thank you for everything.


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