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Happy new year my darlings 🤍 May this be a blessed year filled with miracles, abundance, love, and joy for all of us

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Happy new year my darlings 🤍 May this be a blessed year filled with miracles, abundance, love, and joy for all of us.

Don't forget to vote pretty please 😊


Two days.

It had been two days since Catalina was under the care of my doctors. Her health was in critical condition and as each second ticked, my anger grew stronger.

She was fine— Safe, even. If it weren't for me then she would not have been shot. If it weren't for my heart that was much too in love with her then I would have been alert, I would have been able to protect the precious girl.

The very girl who held my heart in the palms of her sweet, delicate hands.


I come to find out that there was a spy sent from the Bulgarians— a woman who was watching Catalina.

Now I knew why she wanted me to keep tabs off her, she wanted to protect me because they had wanted her to kill me.

I refused to get a second of sleep knowing that she could wake up at any moment. Certainly I would not pass up a second to spend with the doll.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry for everything." I place a kiss against the back of her hand, the coldness of it making the hollow ache in my chest expand.

The sound of little gasps and whines came from the girl I so madly adored. At this, my immediate instinct was to hold her close to me and envelop her body with the warmth she was lacking.

"Shh," I softly spoke onto the top of her head as I let her body lay atop my own.

It had been six months that I yearned for this.

Six whole torturous, agonising, and painful months without the love of my life.

Without my wife.

"Enzo?" Her voice was raspy and broken. If our bodies weren't so close together then I would have barely heard her whisper.

She attempted to speak again, "Was this all- all a bad dream?"

My heart nearly broke in half at her words, the innocent question making me realise just how much I had corrupted and ruined the life that was cradled in my arms.

"I'm afraid not..." The back of my hand brushes against her pale, colourless face as I admire those brown eyes that held my entire world in them.

Those brown Bambi eyes.

"If- if you weren't so large and lard-ish I- I would beat you up to death," her voice quivered and I noticed the stutter that had become present again. I knew she had worked incredibly hard to rid herself of this problem that plagued her and my heart ached at the thought of her being upset by a stutter.

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