Chapter 14: The plight continued. [Edited]

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Cassandra Pope.

I turned around and followed the councilor. I couldn't give up. There were too many people's lives depending on me to succeed.

I made my way down a long, dimly lit hallway toward the men's bathroom. I hovered in front of the red door before stepping into the bathroom. I didn't care if it was the place where men did their dirty deeds. The councilor was busy washing his hands in front of a washing basin while an attendant waited on him. He held out a serving platter with wiping cloths and hand lotions for the councilor.

"Get out," I said to the young brown-eyed attendant while the councilor scowled back at me through the overhead mirror.

The young man's head snapped from me to the councilor and then back again, utterly confused, until I lost patience with him. With a snap of my fingers, the attendant disappeared on the spot. The clatter of a serving tray hitting the ground echoed outside the bathroom. He uttered a few curse words, 'bitch,' being the kindest. Did he kiss his mother with that mouth?

"You really know how to test other people's patients, don't you?" the councilor said. It wasn't a question, but more of an insult.

I walked forward, took a clean wiping cloth off the rack, and presented it to the councilor. He hesitated for a second but took it nonetheless.

I ignored him and asked him a question in return. "Tell me, Elder. Do you hate me because I'm simply working for my father or is there another reason for this open hostility of yours?"

A dry laugh echoed throughout the bathroom. "Really, young girl? I'm not so juvenile. You have shown me no other side of you other than the same arrogance displayed by your father. You and he are the same." Those words made my jaw clench. Fuck him! I was not my father. "See, even that glare reminds me of him. Your silly display outside just proved to me that you'd do anything to get your way no matter the consequences."

Vance walked past me, discarded the used washcloth into a hamper next to the bathroom's door, and then he exited the bathroom. If he thought this was over, he'd be unpleasantly surprised at my resilience. I followed him yet again. When I exited the bathroom, the young attendant yelped as I shoved him out of my way. Yet again, his serving tray crashed to the floor, forcing him to pick up the towels and bottles of lotion again.

As I entered the dining area, the councilor was back in his seat. A waiter was taking another order as I walked up to them. The waiter quickly scurried off as I took my seat opposite the councilor.

"You're persistent and a nuisance—"

"Do you really think I don't care about my actions and how they affect others?" I interrupted the councilor. I was getting sick of his constant attacks on my being. "Of course I do. Four of my loved ones' lives are in my hands. And if I don't act quickly, they'll die at the hands of my father. So sorry, Elder, if I don't have the luxury of playing nicely, but my father isn't either. He's using every tool in his depraved arsenal to eradicate everyone that I care for."

My words caught in his throat. His eyes lingered on me and softened a bit. What seemed like an eternity woven into a few seconds, he leaned back in his chair and sighed.

Finally! I broke through!

"Who are these people you are referring to?" he asked, lowering a silver fork and knife to the plate in front of him.

"My sister, nephew, niece, and sister-in-law."

Vance raised one of his bushy, gray eyebrows. "As far as I'm aware, your sister-in-law is safe and sound, happily married to your brother. As for your sister and her children, they are on the run from justice."

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