Chapter 47: Blood Ties. [Edited]

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Adam Wick.

My father was at it again, pissing off another group of witches. He's never been subtle in his approach and had the tendency to rub people the wrong way. Therefore, my sister was usually present at meetings to act as a mediator; but, unfortunately, she was no longer a member of the pack. A couple of months ago, she moved in with her mate. Rick was his name. Our neighboring pack's beta.

It's been nearly a week since the rest of Nathan's family arrived and I've been running around trying to keep the peace between my dad and the coven that took up temporary residence on the pack grounds. The Supreme sent them here to cast wards over the inner sanctum of our pack to keep the non-combative members of our pack safe. No doubt our enemy would try to harm them, a sick strategy to use. Demoralize your enemy by harming their loved ones.

I sat in the Alpha's office signing a heap of documents my dad 'forgot' about, but I suspected he was slowly giving me control of the pack duties. It was his way of testing my skills as a future Alpha. Did I mind? No. But the paperwork was slowly chafing my fur.

Rubbing the back of my neck, I glared at the heaps of paperwork that colonized my desk. I wished that I had Nathan's magic to do away with the grunt work. I was about to plunge into another fight with the admin when the office door swung open. My lips curled into a smile when Nathan, in his sexy glory, strutted over to me. To my surprise, he pushed the chair I sat in away from the desk and straddled me, jolting my groin awake. Saying nothing, he plunged in and captured my lips. As I squeezed his plump ass, he released a gluttonous moan that made me growl. Our make-out session steamed along until we ran out of breath.

"What was that for?" I asked, catching my breath. "Not that I'm complaining." I squeezed his sexy ass again, earning another moan from Nathan.

Goddess, I loved his moan.

Nathan placed his forehead against mine and said, "Just felt like it..." He dug his fingers into my hair, making my spine shudder.

I knew he was lying. I would have said he was a brilliant liar before I got to know him, but now subtle twitches made themselves known every time he lied. He usually fumbled over his words too easily and his left eyebrow quivered when he lied. I began rubbing his back. He lowered his head into the crease of my neck and snuggled into my embrace.

"Try again, Nate."

He groaned and said, "I'm tired of all of this... What have I done for my grandfather to hate me this much?" His voice cracked while his body shook.

"Dad?" I called over the mind-link. "Did something set Nathan off?"

I waited for a few seconds before my dad answered back. "No, why? As far as I know, they had a family gathering where they talked about what had happened over the years. When I joined the discussion, they were talking about the assassins his grandfather had hired to track him down and kill him."

I sighed while continuing rubbing Nathan's back. "Now I get it. Thanks for the info, Dad."

"No problem, my boy. Now get back to work." My dad pulled out of the mind-link before I could cuss him out.

"Hey," I whispered in Nathan's ears. "Your granddad is a fuckin' lunatic, alright? You did nothing to deserve this."

Nathan pulled back and shook his head. "But what if he's right? What if I'm an abomination?" A vicious snarl boiled out of my chest. How could that racist fuck make his grandson think he was an abomination for being born a hybrid? Nathan wasn't.

"Stop right there, juicy lips." I lifted his chin while wiping away his tears. No matter how badass Nathan acted, he was still a gentle soul behind the mask they forced him to wear to protect himself from getting hurt. He didn't have to do it. Luckily for me, he didn't do it in front of me. "I never want to hear those words spilling from your mouth. The only abomination in this situation is your grandfather, whose throat I will rip out soon enough."

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