Chapter 30: My Brother, The Whiny Bitch! [Edited]

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Adam Wick.

Cold, refreshing water cascaded down my back. I intended to take a hot shower after my sparring match with Tyson, but after Nathan's wicked stunt, I had to cool down before I mounted his sweet ass. Although, after ten minutes of drenching my 'little problem' in cold water, he still stood up loud and proud. All he needed was a flag.

That kiss! I smirked while touching my swollen lips. Talk about taking the bull by the horns. I never thought Nathan had it in him.

"Disappointed? " Bane chuckled.

"Hell no! "I'm just surprised." I told him while lathering up my body with a dollop of body soap and a loofa mitten. "It would have been better if he joined us in the shower and took care of the problem he caused." I glanced down and groaned.

"Well, you can't waste time hoping for a miracle, now can you? So, get your hand down there and get busy. We can't keep Nathan waiting."

"Fine..." I wrapped my hand around the problem and got down to business.


After a useless cold shower and a mandatory petting session, I walked out of the men's restroom. I couldn't be happier. Nathan finally said yes, and I was going to have to come up with a stellar date to win him over and make him mine. It would not be easy: he was jumpier than a buck in hunting season. I sauntered over to where Maisie, Nathan, and Tyson stood. But just as I came in earshot my blood boiled when Riley said;

"Fuck off, you freak! Do you think I want to spend even one minute with you?" Riley strutted up to Nathan until their noses nearly touched. "The only reason I tolerate you is because if I don't, my father will yell my ears off for being a prick."

"Riley, shut up and get over yourself. He's our brother and there's nothing you can do about it," Maisie told him while wrapping her arm around Nathan's arm in support. She grasped onto his hand and gently stroked circles on the back of his hand.

It was clear to all present that Nathan was holding back his wolf. The strain that crept across his face, accompanied by his clenched jaw, spoke volumes that Riley was playing with a loaded rifle.

"What's wrong with the little shit?" Bane growled, pacing back and forth. "He's even pissing me off."

"I agree. He should keep his mouth shut about Nathan. I won't tolerate his shitty attitude."

I rushed forward before Nathan bitch-slapped Riley to the ground. He was oblivious to the overpowering aura spiking out of Nathan's body. Nathan was still a Grayback and had the powers of a warlock. Shit, only Riley was crazy enough to piss off that combination.

"Enough!" I shouted at Riley, using my alpha voice. "Shut your mouth, Riley."

The mirrors rattled at the strength of my voice. All the pack members present lowered their heads and showed their necks to me. The dumb shit had no choice but to choke on his poisonous words. But the thing that stopped me in my tracks was the way Nathan reacted to my voice. He didn't submit to me like the others did, and I didn't expect him to. He was still a rogue. However, he shivered and moaned under his breath while licking his lips. He stared at me with dilated pupils.

"Well, that's new," Bane said as he perked up. "Is he aroused?"

I chuckled at the thought that my voice could elicit such a thrill out of him. It would seem so. I was definitely planning to use it on him in more intimate settings.

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