Chapter 24: Meltdown. [Edited]

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Adam Wick.

Silence engulfed the room. The revelation that my dad's beta was Nathan's father left us all speechless. Holy stag nuts! I didn't see that one coming. Neither did Nathaniel. He stared at Nathan's mother with a starched face. My dad, however, rose from his chair and began pacing around the room. Riley and Maisie stared at Nathan in utter disbelief.

"Honey, say something," Nathan's mother whispered, breaking the silence, but he didn't react to her.

Nathan sat on the couch with his left arm still attached to his injured shoulder. His coppery eyes flicked between his siblings and his father. For the first time since I met him, dread and fear washed over his beautiful face. Suddenly, his eyes started flashing between normal and shimmering light blue, the color of a beta.

"This isn't good," Bane whined inside my head. "Why's he having a meltdown?"

"Take a guess. He just found out that Nathaniel is his actual father and that he has two younger siblings."

"There's more to it than that. He's freaking out about something else."

It was impossible not to reach forward and wrap my arms around him. Seeing Nathan acting out like that broke my heart. His reaction to the news baffled us. Yes, it was a massive bomb his mother threw at him, but I wouldn't have guessed he'd react this badly to it.

Before I could move an inch off my seat, his mother walked up to him. She pushed a few strands of her sleek black hair behind her ear while she kneeled before her son. But the moment she tried to touch his shoulder, he vanished before our eyes. Several gasps filled the living room.

"Where the hell did he disappear to?" yelled Riley. Seconds later, a slap rang out accompanied by a cry, "What the hell, Maisie?" Riley glared at his sister while rubbing the back of his head.

"Stop yelling in my ear, you idiot," she hissed back.

Just as Riley wanted to retaliate, a loud roar bellowed out over our heads, causing the crystal chandelier to rattle. He must have teleported to his bedroom. Several powerful crashes reverberated throughout the house, followed up by the crash of a window. Out of the corner of my eye, through the living room window, a chair came hurtling down on an enforcer standing in the front garden. The enforcer, with luck on his side, jumped out of the way before the chair could hit them.

"Don't, Victoria," said the Supreme as she held Nathan's mother back from running up the stairs after her son. "Let him vent. You owe your son that much."

Tears streaked down Victoria's flawless face. "He needs me," she croaked out.

"Not yet." The Supreme dragged her friend into her embrace and allowed her to bawl her eyes out.

After a few minutes, silence fell upon us once again. Nathan's meltdown had run its course.

"This is a joke, right?" Riley asked. "How can he be our brother?"

"Not now, Riley." I scowled at him through the mind-link.

Riley scoffed as he folded his arms. "He's not my brother. I won't accept it. There has to be a fuckup somewhere. This witch is taking us for a ride." He threw a nasty glare at Nathan's mother.

I scratched an itch that crawled over my clenched fist, wanting to rush over to the dumb shit and punch his face in. How dared he disrespect my future mate's mother like that? Nathan's mother didn't deserve the shade Riley threw at her. She had no ulterior motives for announcing Nathan's true heritage.

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