Chapter 3: Fucking Hunters! [Edited]

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Nathan Underhill.

A slight nip in the air caressed my skin as I began jogging away from the house and down an old winding trail. The serenity of the surrounding forest was feeding my soul as I sprinted along a large lake. A mirror of water glistened as the sun peaked through the scattered clouds overhead. After a while of running, I came to a halt before a large, moss-covered boulder and began stripping off my clothes. I tuned up my hearing to hear if I could detect any humans in the area. It was not as if I was shy or ashamed of my body. I just didn't want anyone finding out that I was a werewolf. I was well away from the pack's territorial line, so I didn't expect that any wolves would venture far away from it.

I took my clothes and placed them at the foot of the boulder before I removed the necklace around my neck. The scent of my wolf filled the air. I placed it amongst my clothing before I transformed into a massive copper-colored wolf.

"Ahh! That feels awesome!" I tilted my nose into the air and breathed in the forest air.

"Let's go!" Fenrus yipped out, pushing for control, which I happily gave. Fenrus darted off into the forest at full speed, zipping and jumping over logs and embankments. The wind blowing through our fur sent chills reverberating through our bones.

A searing pain shot through my leg before we knew what had happened. We were so lost in the thrill of our morning run that we let our guard down. Fenrus lost control of his momentum and hit the forest floor with a crash, hitting a stump with a tremendous force that broke several of our ribs.

"Fuck, that hurts!" I pushed forward, taking control.

Before I could assess the damage, an arrow sliced the bridge of my snout and impaled the nearest tree.

"Hunters! Get down!" Fenrus roared.

The scent of five Hunters mucked up the air. Waves of rage rolled down my body. How could I have been this stupid?

"This is not the time. We have to get out of here!"

Another sharp pain hit me in the shoulder, knocking me to the ground. Dust floated through the air, making me sneeze. I struggled up from the ground, flinching as I put pressure on my right front leg and left back leg. My shoulder and hip burned with the intensity of the sun.

"There!" A male's voice rejoiced. "There's the beast!"

My head snapped toward the impending danger.

Not wanting to give the Hunters time to take another shot at me, I dashed for the neatest embankment. Several shots rang out, nearly hitting me. Seeing a dried out pond, I jumped down, disappearing from my aggressors' sight. I had to play fast and hard. I glanced back at my hind leg to see a silver arrow sticking out from it.

Fuck! I hated silver. They were going to pay for this!

I clamped down on the arrow. Even though it burned my skin, I yanked it out with a yelp. Finding another bout of courage, I bit down on the other arrow on my shoulder and pulled it out. Exhausted and drained from the silver's effects, I decided to shift back.

"This is about to hurt."

Fenrus growled in agreement. I shifted back to my human form. Bones crunched and shifted within my body while the pain from my wounds worsened, making me gasp out in pain. I collapsed on the forest floor and crawled out of view. I had to do something fast; my regeneration wasn't kicking in and I was losing too much blood. I stretched out my hand toward one of the arrows that pierced my skin. It soared through the air and levitated in front of me. I didn't dare touch the silver arrow but I pulled it closer for inspection. A familiar, yet deadly, acidic scent lingered on the shaft of the arrow—wolfsbane!

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