Chapter 42: A Betrayal Most Deep. [Edited]

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Cassandra Pope.

It couldn't be. The chances were slim to none.

I sat on the edge of my bed while I rubbed my feet along the plush Persian carpet. I kept staring at my watch, counting down the seconds. The last minute could turn my whole life on its head with a complication I didn't have the energy to deal with. How could I have been this careless? But I wasn't. I was always careful and made sure I took them. Jumping off my bed, I walked up to my dresser and opened the top drawer. I grabbed the pink pill dispenser, checking to see if I missed a day in taking my birth control pills. But I didn't miss a day... then how...

I walked up to the table and snatched up the pregnancy stick. Let's hope I'm not pregnant...

I rechecked my watch. The dial had slipped past the five-minute marker. My breath caught in my throat. The time had come. Still holding on to the pregnancy stick with trembling hands, I struggled to look at the screen. Maybe I was being paranoid, I wasn't pregnant, and all the symptoms I experienced throughout the week were just something that I ate which didn't agree with my digestive system.

But I'm late...

"Cassandra?" asked a soft voice that caused me to jump out of my socks.

I dropped the stick and glared at the mirror. "Avy, you nearly scared me to death." I clutched my chest, trying to calm down my stampeding heart.

Aveny's eyes dropped to the pregnancy test. Sorrow filled her beautiful eyes. "Don't tell me..."

"I can explain." I bent down and snatched up the test, staring wide-eyed at the second blue line. Fuck! I shook my head and tossed the test across the room. "No, no, no..." I paced around the room with my head in my hands.

"Cassy... Calm down, I'm not mad." Aveny tried to assure me, but I was mad at myself. I slept with the snake. Not that I had much of a choice with my father breathing down my neck.

My eyes narrowed on the stick that lay under the left leg of the vanity table.

He wouldn't...

My heartbreak over the positive pregnancy test result turned into rage. The old man must have had his dirty, wretched fingers in this. He wanted an heir from me and Victor, and he didn't want to wait until I decided.

I rushed back to the dresser and retrieved my birth control pills.

"What's wrong, Cassy?" Aveny asked in a worried tone. She stared at the dispenser in my hands. "You think they had a hand in you falling pregnant?"

I nodded.

"There's only one way to find out." I walked over to my bedroom door. "I'll be back. I need to visit Amy in the dungeons."

I yanked open the door and rushed down the hallway on a mission to get to the bottom of my father's latest scheme. It had to be. When Victor and my father forced the engagement into my unwilling hands, Victor took the opportunity of his good fortune and demanded sex. Normally, I would have cut off the snake's dick and shoved it down his throat, but my father made sure I complied with his demands. What could I do? I was still waiting for the damned Elder to get back to me and I couldn't piss off my father.

Now I was sitting with a child from an unwelcome union. Just my luck.

As I made my way through the mansion, the servants scattered before me. It was probably because of the murderous scowl burned into my face. Stepping off the stairs and into the foyer, I pushed open a set of doors under the staircase that led down into the dungeons. The damp atmosphere clung to my skin as I entered a long corridor. I strutted up to the last door at the end of the hallway and pushed open the door.

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