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As I woke from my slumber, my senses immediately recognized Kaden's absence beside me. Intrigued by the sound of banging in the kitchen, I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up, brushing my teeth in haste.

Emerging from the bathroom, clad in Kaden's white shirt and my underwear, I couldn't help but admire his back muscles and the faint red scratches from our passionate night. A smile crept across my face, and I approached him from behind, wrapping my arms around his shirtless torso.

"Good morning," I mumbled against his back, and he chuckled in response. "Was it that good?" he whispered playfully, alluding to the intensity of our previous night. Turning around, he hugged me tightly, and I couldn't resist whispering, "It was very passionate."

Feeling his strength, he lifted me effortlessly and placed me on the counter. Bantering back and forth, he claimed that he never does passionate encounters, but I couldn't help teasing him about last night. "Because I enjoyed it and I enjoy you," he whispered in my ear, and we shared another tender kiss.

In that moment, I realized that I love him entirely. He is perfect in every way, and my soul feels intrinsically connected to his. He's become my addiction, the one I yearn for, and the only one who holds my heart.

Reluctantly, he pulled away from our affectionate exchange, stating that he needed to finish preparing breakfast. I sighed, grabbing a piece of bacon, and settled on the couch to watch "Outer Banks."

Shortly after, Kaden appeared with two plates of a scrumptious breakfast - bacon, eggs, and toast. I thanked him with a smile, and he joined me on the couch, as we enjoyed the show together, cherishing these precious moments in each other's company.

As we finished our leisurely breakfast, I snuggled up close to Kaden, savoring the warmth of his embrace as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Kaden, we can't stay here all day," I whispered, aware of the passing time.

"Hmm, but we could," he murmured playfully, his desire to linger evident in his voice.

"But we can't, it's unhealthy and bad," I responded with a smile, knowing that we needed to venture out into the world.

A low groan escaped his lips as he reluctantly acknowledged my point. "Fine, we can go shopping," he relented, the idea of spending money not seeming to bother him at all. "I don't mind splurging a bit today, maybe buy you a few outfits," he added, a smirk dancing on his lips.

"Hmm, okay, but you aren't spending a lot," I teased, giving him a playful nudge. I stood up, but before I could make my way to the room to get ready, I felt Kaden's firm grip on my hips, pulling me back towards him.

"What?" I laughed, feeling his hands on my backside.

"Don't I deserve a kiss for my great cooking?" he whispered with a hint of mischief.

"Hmm," I mumbled, unable to resist his charm, and leaned in to kiss him. He pulled me down by my waist, deepening the kiss, and a smile spread across my face as he broke away, his eyes sparkling with satisfaction.

Heading to the room, I chose to wear one of Kaden's hoodies along with my jeans, a comfortable yet familiar choice. As I stepped out, he walked into the room, donning a brown hoodie and black jeans.

"Oh, you look hot in my clothes," he said, his confidence evident in the smirk that crossed his face.

"Well, I couldn't find mine, so yours will do," I replied with a smile, my heart warming at the sight of him looking so effortlessly handsome.

We strolled over to a nearby mall, and as we passed Victoria's Secret, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. "Can we please go to Victoria's Secret?" I pleaded, looking at Kaden with hopeful eyes. He shook his head playfully, but to my surprise, he took out his credit card.

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