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I woke up to find Mia on the other couch, engrossed in the TV show, "The Vampire Diaries," which seemed to have played through the night. I groaned, realizing that I had received messages from Naomi, and against my better judgment, I opened them. My eyes widened as I saw a picture of her in a corset, prompting some explicit words to escape my lips.

Feeling a surge of embarrassment, I glanced down and realized that my body had responded to the suggestive image. Quickly trying to regain composure, I got up and heard the sound of running water from the kitchen. My mom was already up, cheerfully going about her morning routine.

Trying to conceal my current predicament, I hastily covered my boner and greeted my mom, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Good morning, Kaden," she beamed, seemingly unaware of the internal turmoil I was experiencing.

"M-Morning," I stammered, my mind racing as I quickly retreated upstairs, hoping to escape any further awkward encounters. In the solitude of my bathroom, I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower, seeking a moment of respite from the chaos of my thoughts.

In an attempt to alleviate my growing tension, I allowed my mind to drift to thoughts of Naomi and the alluring image she had sent. My body responded, and I couldn't help but give in to the urge, leaning my head back as I engaged in a private moment of pleasure.

As I approached the brink, an unwelcome interruption came in the form of a knock on the bathroom door. Frustration surged within me as I called out, "What?"

It was Mia, seeking access to the bathroom. My heart raced, and I tried to find a way to respond without revealing my compromising situation. "Can you wait?" I said, my voice strained as I attempted to compose myself.

Desperately trying to regain control, I continued my private moment, my heart pounding in my chest as I felt myself nearing completion. Just as I was about to finish, I looked up to see Mia's silhouette through the frosted glass, further heightening my discomfort.

Washing my hands in the shower, I took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of relief and unease. I stepped out of the shower, clad only in a towel, and encountered Mia outside my room.

"Oh God, Kaden, cover up," she said, her hands covering her eyes as she quickly exited the room.

"It's just a towel," I protested, feeling a mix of frustration and vulnerability.

"Yeah...but I don't want to see you in a towel," she retorted.

With an exasperated sigh, I finally put on some clothes, relieved to have some semblance of normalcy return.

I closed the door to my room, a spark of excitement igniting within me. It was time for a night out, and I needed the perfect companion for this adventure. With a quick call, I reached Madison, my spirited and spontaneous friend.

"Let's go to a party," I suggested, already feeling the thrill of the night ahead.

Her enthusiasm was contagious as she replied, "Oh my God, there's this girl, Maddie, throwing a birthday party tonight, and we should totally go!"

I couldn't resist her excitement, but I couldn't help adding a hint of skepticism, "It better be good."

Madison assured me, "Yeah, it will be! I think she's friends with your step-sister."

That piqued my curiosity. "I'll ask her," I said, eager to find out more about the party and its potential connections.

Stepping into Mia's room, I knocked and waited for her permission to enter. "Come in," she called out, and I leaned against the doorframe, a mischievous smile on my face.

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