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As the first rays of dawn painted the room with a soft glow, I stirred from my slumber, the sound of persistent banging downstairs pulling me out of my dreams. Blinking my eyes open, I noticed Naomi still asleep beside me. Gently, I withdrew my arm from her embrace, trying not to disturb her peaceful rest, and let out a weary groan before checking the time on my bedside clock. 6 am—it was way too early for any rational human being to be awake.

Summoning the strength to face the morning, I slipped on a pair of boxers and made my way downstairs. There, in the kitchen, stood my mom, engrossed in the act of cooking something delightful. "Good morning," I croaked, my voice husky from sleep.

"Good morning, Kaden," my mom greeted warmly, her smile exuding a sense of comfort and love.

"Why are you awake?" I asked, rubbing my eyes to chase away the remnants of sleep.

"I've got to go to work. You should go back to bed," she suggested, her maternal instincts always vigilant.

With a tired sigh, I placed Naomi's cup in the sink, my mind drifting to the restful comfort of my bed. "Is Leah still here?" I inquired, wondering if my friend was still around.

"Yes, your friends are in the room upstairs," my mom confirmed, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and annoyance at the knowledge of their presence.

"I'm going back to bed," I declared, my decision made. My mom nodded understandingly, knowing me well enough to allow me some extra hours of sleep. As I ascended the stairs, their hushed voices drifted towards me, but I ignored them, shutting my bedroom door slowly, craving the tranquility and solitude of my own space.

"Where'd you go?" I heard Naomi's voice, a soft whisper in the dimly lit room.

"My mom's going to work," I replied, my own voice hushed as I slipped into bed with her. Gently, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me, seeking warmth and intimacy in the chilly morning air.

"Your hands are cold," she complained, a subtle hint of amusement in her tone.

"Sorry," I mumbled, feeling a playful urge. I ran my finger in a circle over her stomach, savoring the tender moment.

"Stop," she whispered, her voice tinged with a mixture of protest and pleasure. But I couldn't resist the temptation to continue, my mischievous side taking over.

"Kaden, stop," she insisted, her words falling on deaf ears as I carried on, a smirk tugging at the corners of my lips.

"Stop," she finally grabbed my hand, making her point clear. I groaned in response but found myself drawn even closer to her, leaning over her to press gentle kisses along her neck.

"Don't be boring," I mumbled into her neck, teasing her with affectionate persistence.

"It's too early, Kaden. Let's go to sleep," she whispered, her voice soft but resolute, trying to steer us back to slumber in the calm embrace of the morning.

In the quiet intimacy of the room, I found myself drawn to her, the intensity of our connection palpable. "Just kiss me for a few minutes, then we can go to bed," I whispered, my voice filled with a mixture of longing and desire.

Her eyes met mine, and she nodded, a silent agreement that sparked a surge of excitement within me. With a smile tugging at the corners of my lips, I leaned in, capturing her soft lips in a tender kiss. Time seemed to slow as we savored each other's presence, our bodies instinctively gravitating closer.

Her arms found their way around my neck, pulling me even closer, igniting a fire that smoldered between us. My tongue gently traced her lip, and in an unspoken dance, we began French kissing, the intensity building with each passing moment.

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