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In the dimly lit room, I found myself drawn to her jealous side, longing for her to be envious of my attention. With a playful grin, I strolled over to Olivia and engaged in conversation, but her obvious attempts at flirting were quite lackluster.

A hint of annoyance flashed across Naomi's face, and I couldn't resist the urge to tease her too. "I'm going home," she sighed wearily.

"No, don't go. I was just messing with you," I whispered, hoping to keep her by my side.

"Kaden, I'm tired. Just let me go," she pleaded softly. I let out an exasperated groan and lifted her gently, placing her on the nearby counter.

"I'm yours, okay," I whispered tenderly, capturing her lips with mine. As I caressed her thighs, she wrapped her arms around my neck, drawing me closer.

With lingering kisses, I carried her up the stairs, our lips locked in an intimate dance. Reaching my bedroom door, I pressed her against it, continuing to trail soft kisses down her neck, savoring the closeness between us.

"Kaden, they'll hear," she whispered, a hint of concern in her voice. Determined to keep this moment private, I swiftly shut the door and tossed her gently onto my bed.

In the midst of our passionate encounter, I felt an urge to reveal my emotions, to let her know the truth that was burning within me. "I don't care. Maybe they should hear," I whispered softly, planting tender kisses on her neck and leaving small hickeys as a mark of my affection. "I'm yours, not hers. I love you," I confessed earnestly, hoping she could sense the depth of my feelings.

"I know, but-" she began to say, interrupted by my determination to reassure her. "She can't have me like you can," I mumbled, my lips trailing down her neck as I carefully removed her shirt.

The intimacy between us deepened as I kissed down her stomach, and I felt her hands entwining in my hair, signaling her desire for more. Rising to my knees, I undid my jeans and reached for a condom from the drawer, acknowledging the significance of this moment. Our eyes locked, and with her silent approval, I proceeded.

A soft groan escaped her lips as I entered her, and I placed one hand on her hip, the other gripping the headboard for support. "I love you," I whispered fervently, wanting her to know how much she meant to me. Her response, filled with passion, reciprocated the love we shared.

As our connection intensified, her moans grew louder with each long stroke. "Mhm," she moaned in pleasure, and I felt her grasp my hand, intertwining our fingers on the pillow as I continued to explore the depths of her heart and soul with each kiss.

"Just you, not her," I moaned, emphasizing the exclusivity of my feelings for her. In the heat of passion, I felt her nails digging into my back, a sign of her deep desire and the unbreakable bond we shared.

"Do you have feelings for her?" she whispered, a vulnerable question that demanded honesty. In that moment, I knew I needed to be completely open with her.

In a hushed tone, I breathed, "No," pulling her into my embrace, my head finding its place on her shoulder. My fingers traced a path up the back of her leg, gently lifting it, while my hand settled on the softness behind her knee.

"Naomi," I grunted, overcome with desire, and her moans danced in the air like an enticing melody, fueling the fire burning between us.

A knock on the door attempted to interrupt us, but I paid it no mind, intoxicated by the sweet sounds of Naomi's pleasure. Her legs wrapped around me, drawing me closer as our lips met in a hungry, passionate kiss. It was wild and unrestrained, our tongues exploring each other with an urgency that left us breathless.

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