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As the morning sun graced my waking hours, I reached for my alarm clock, discovering that it was already 7 am. Groggily, I made my way to the bathroom, rubbing my eyes in an attempt to clear the remnants of sleep. Yet, to my astonishment, my eyelashes felt peculiarly sticky. Gazing into the mirror, I was met with a shocking sight—my face adorned with makeup. "I am going to kill them," I muttered, both bewildered and amused by their antics.

Without further ado, I carefully removed the eyelashes they had playfully applied, though it was not without a measure of pain, fearing that I might have accidentally plucked a few of my own in the process. Grimacing, I descended the stairs shirtless, only to find everyone already enjoying breakfast.

Mia, never one to hold back her opinions, playfully commented, "Me gusta tu maquillaje," which only led me to compare her to a "yapping dog." I shrugged off the jests and sat down to savor some bacon.

Leah chimed in with laughter, complimenting how great I looked, while I couldn't help but wonder about the whereabouts of my girlfriend. Mia, adopting an exaggerated pout, inquired, "Where's my girlfriend," but I was quick to retort with a smirk, "At least I have a lover, Mia." The playful banter continued as Leah mentioned that my girlfriend had already returned home.

Amidst the jovial atmosphere, I heard the kitchen door open, and to my relief, Naomi entered with a bowl of oats. With a hint of sarcasm, I couldn't help but comment, "Oh yeah, she's definitely at home, Leah."

As the playful exchanges continued, Mia, engrossed in her phone, informed me of her mother's request to buy groceries—huevos, el tocino, agua, frijoles y queso. I casually declined, stating that I had plans for the day and, unlike her, I had a different life. Mia playfully ruffled my hair, and I couldn't help but fix it while rolling my eyes.

Teasingly, I pretended to be deeply hurt, earning a swift retort from Mia, who instructed me to "just go" with her hands raised in mock anger before making her exit.

As I greeted Naomi with a warm smile, the excitement in the air was palpable. Inviting her to my room, I playfully announced, "noche de cita," prompting a puzzled look from her. To reveal the surprise, I pulled out a dress from a zipped-up bag in my closet, accompanied by three pairs of shoes for her to choose from.

Curiosity got the better of her, and she asked, "What are we doing today?" Persisting with my playful approach, I repeated, "noche de cita," hoping she would catch on.

However, Mia's timely entrance added to the suspense, and she immediately recognized the occasion, proclaiming, "Ahh noche de cita," with a smile. Naomi, still in the dark, sought an explanation, prompting Leah to join the conversation.

The mischievous trio kept her guessing, leading her to believe it might have something to do with a "city." With a chuckle, I corrected her, repeating "noche de cita" and savoring the moment.

Leah couldn't hold back her laughter as she enlightened Naomi about the true meaning of the phrase—date night. She playfully referred to me as a "difficult Latino" who wouldn't speak his mind. Mia couldn't resist the opportunity to slap my neck in good humor, which I protested, urging them to stop.

Naomi's curiosity lingered, and she posed a direct question, "So if we're going on a date, where exactly are we going?" Mia, seizing the chance for some playful mischief, interjected, "No tienes idea," quickly shaking her head. The exchange prompted Naomi to glance at Leah for answers.

Leah, in a theatrical gesture, mouthed the words "He has no clue," further fueling the intrigue. Frustration building, I couldn't resist voicing my annoyance, "You guys can speak English, you know."

Unperturbed, Mia flashed a playful smile, asserting that speaking Spanish added a touch of charm, especially to impress boys. Skeptical, I raised an eyebrow, unconvinced by their reasoning..

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