Chapter 11

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Guyssssss I am sooooooooooooooo sosososososo sorry! I really am. I didn't update cause I just wanted a break and then when I did start to write again, my laptop broke and we were fixing it and it took ages and half of my work was on the laptop so I couldn't really write anything. AND THEN I FREAKING LOST MY WORK!!!! SO SO SOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWYYYY!!!! UwU

3rd person P.O.V:

The kids were getting excited as it was almost time for their science class, they had heard that there might be some sort of fair. They sat in class before the bell rang. Every corner of the room was filled with excited chatter. As the teachers walked in they all hushed themselves waiting quietly for the teachers announcement .

"Now, I'm sure you are all aware of what's about to take place so I'll begin quickly by giving a rough explanation of the enchanted science fair." Miss Flora announced.

"First, you must be in teams of two, second you must create an enchanted experiment and present it by the end of the week, you may create anything you desire, just be safe and lastly is to just have fun!" Exclaimed Miss Fauna.

"Now here are the groups, James and Sofia will be team one, Vivian and Hugo, team two, Desmond and Amber will be team 3, Khalid and Zander will be team four, and Hildegard and Clio will be team five." Miss Merryweather clarified.

Once the children got home they scurried around the library so that they could create the perfect science project. The children of Roland II really wanted to win to make their father proud, more James and Amber than Sofia. Unfortunately, things started going downhill from there. First off, the children all needed to use Hocus-Crocus. When they did finally complete their projects, someone—Amber— used wayyy too much thus resulting in everyone's projects being destroyed.

With nowhere to go they rushed off back to Cedric. And of course when they did go to ask for more, just their luck there was none left .

"If you do want more, you'll have to go to Mist Bowl Mountain."

"Come on Sofia we don't have much time and we have to get it before others."

"James! Wait!" Before she could even apprehend what was going on properly she was being dragged down the castle with the others right behind her. Sofia was practically thrown in the coach and before she could screw her head on they were in the air.

James saw the others catching up, especially Amber. He couldn't let them get ahead so James being James threw some bait, carrots, to the horses to get them off track. "James! That wasn't very nice of you you know?"

"Sofia we don't have much choice, this is for dad, you trust me right?" His eyes pleading with her.

"I- yeah." Sofia sighed she had a bad feeling in the bottom of her gut but chose to ignore it right now just wasn't the time.

They rushed in, landing at the bottom and instantly rushed off. Their coachman tried to keep up but lost sight of them before he could even comprehend what was going on. The other teams and following suit, that even their coachmen weren't able to keep up with them.

The first thing that they came across was a beautifully glazed ice forest. James wasted no time in making his way through the forest but then with each footstep Sofia noticed that the icicles started shaking.

"James, wait. We have to be careful this forest is very fragile, one mistake and it's the end for us."

James hesitated before nodding, he wanted to race through but knew Sofia was right this could end in a travesty. So they walked their way as quietly as possible. Vivian and Hugo were the next to enter, and just like Sofia and James they knew that they had to quietly walk through.

Sofia x Hugo The Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now