Christmas Special

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A/N: okay so y'all I think I wrote the chapters in the wrong order so here's a Christmas special to appease you! *throws chapter at angry readers* *readers tearing through the chapter* *readers start chanting 'More! More! More!'* *author-nim runs*
Ps I wrote this half asleep, so it's kinda short and messy! ^^

It was Christmas, and everywhere they looked, the whole castle was busy. Maids were running around cleaning every corner, butlers were busy hanging decorations and Baileywick was busy overseeing all of this along with each activity and event that was to take place.

The tree was sparkling and the decorations were taking away the spotlight. The children were looking fresh and neat in their Christmas outfits.

Finally guests started arriving. When Vivian, Hugo and Desmond arrived the three siblings took them away from the party as it would all be adults. They ended up in the observatory. There was already a set up ready for them, courtesy of Baileywick.

The room was beautifully decorated in Christmas decorations. The children awed before settling down in a pile of pillows. There they started the activities. The first was a Christmas tale performance.

Of course, it was top notch, the actors, the plot and the stage presence was excellent. The children cheered and clapped as hard as they could when it ended.

"That was sooo good, probably one of the best I have ever seen," Vivian commented.

Sofia nodded her head in agreement.

"Is it just me or is it kind of hot in here?" Amber asked.

No one said anything.

"Just me then?"

"No actually I kinda feel hot too," Desmond commented.

"Great 'cause I was thinking of going on a walk, wanna join?"


So the two left. There was a walkway on the balcony outside of the observatory. They walked in silence as they enjoyed the breeze, the sky, luckily, was clear as crystal and all the stars were shining brightly.

"Did you know I discovered a star?"


"Yep, it's that one, over there," Amber exclaimed as she pointed.

"Where? I can't find it," Desmond claimed, searching frantically for it.

Amber giggled, "here silly."

She took his arm in her own and flexed out his pointer finger and pointed it towards the Amberina.

"Oh, oh! I see it! Woah, I can't believe you discovered it!"

Desmond turned his head to the right to find Amber staring back at him. Both blushed and pulled away.

Clearing her throat, and asked hopefully, "so shall we continue?"

Desmond nodded his head, a small smile gracing his lips.

Back at the observatory, things weren't as calm.

The four friends had chugged one glass of the cider that was placed for them in celebration of Christmas, however it turned out that the drink had been mixed up with one that was meant to be served with adults.

So now they all had a bit of alcohol mixed in their systems. But it wasn't enough to cause any type of effect on the girls.

The boys on the other hand...

"I bet you can't drink anymore!"

"Pfttt, please I bet I could drink the whole bowl!"

"Oh yeah?!"


"Prove it!"

And so after a couple of glasses both Hugo and James ended up quite hammered.

James appeared to be the type of drunk that would be quiet. So what fascinated him was decorating Vivian's hair with flowers. James tried to see how many he could put in her hair without them falling out of place.

Hugo on the other hand was quite similar, competitive just 100x worse. So when James started filling Vivian's hair with flowers, he started filling Sofia's with flowers as well.

And so when Desmond and Amber came from their walk all they found was a tipsy James and Hugo trying to one up the other by placing flowers in their betrotheds hair.

When they woke up the next morning the two boys were seriously confused as to why they were surrounded by flowers.

But that died down immediately when they saw their princesses asleep beside them. And with a smile on their faces they went back to sleep, inching closer to their loves.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!! And a happy new year!!!- from author-nim!

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