Chapter 12

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Deep and mysterious. Dark, and sucking anything in, dive in, and there wouldn't be any way to come back up, slowly sinking further and further, in an endless silence. In the dead of night no one expected that a screech would be what pulls everyone out of their slumber. Instantly four pairs of feet run towards the sound. Big gold doors are teared open and everything is done in order to wake her up. But nothing works, she eventually stops on her own. The twins are sent back to their rooms, her parents stay with her setting up chairs next to her bed just in case she acts up again.

The sun's first rays of light woke Sofia and she had zero memory of ever screaming, the only remains of the events actually happening was a sore throat. She quickly got dressed and packed her bag.

She was surprised to see that she was the only one to have vegetable soup, which she never had for breakfast. But it worked in her favour as her throat had been bothering her all morning. She sat down and quietly began eating.

She joined her siblings in the coach, arriving at school a little bit earlier than usual.

Winter had come much quicker than she had anticipated. The snow covered every inch of the kingdom, a winter wonderland. Deciding that it was too cold to be just waiting in the corridor, she made her way to the library.

Inside it was warm and cozy and smelt of newly brewed coffee. It was quiet, only a handful of other students reading quietly, making notes. Sofia made her way to her favourite spot, a tiny corner behind bookshelves, only the true bookworms knew of this spot. And they had put their heads together and made it more comfortable and cozy, by adding beanbags and chairs. Luckily it was empty, so she could have the spot all to herself.

Running her hand over the spines of the book, she stopped at a book that was a deep red. Looking at the title it was quite interesting. She sat down on a bean bag and began reading. She was so immersed in her book that she didn't notice another presence near her.

She didn't feel it at first but then she felt a little tug on the side of her head. Someone had been playing with her hair. Said someone being Hugo.

He looked up to see her looking at him. He gave her a small smile, never removing his hands from her hair.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

He didn't answer and she thought that he hadn't heard her. But then he answered, "it looked so soft. I wanted to know how it felt. Why? Does it bother you?"

"No, I just didn't expect it," she smiled softly, turning back to her book.

They sat like that in the silence. She read, while he played with her hair. Until the bell went.

The day went by, and Sofia had found out that they were holding enchanting ice skating classes after school.

Giddily Sofia laced up her shoes, when she was a commoner, it wasn't common when the lakes froze over back when she was a commoner, so she only had little experience of skating, but she hoped it would suffice. The rink was split between the enchanted ice dancing class and the ice hockey team.

Miss Flora started the class, and they slowly went through the class. It took her a while but Sofia was able to get through the first move. Noticing she was behind, as the others were already ahead and practicing the last move of the class. She started preparing herself for the next move. She got into the starting position which was to give herself a push, but just before she jumped she hesitated and ended up slipping and sliding her easy across the rink.

"Watch out!" She yelled, however her warning was not enough time for the others to move.

Ramming into Hugo's arms as he attempted to protect her from the ice they landed on their backs. Groaning, they got up, Sofia still in Hugo's arms.

Sofia x Hugo The Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now