47 - Leaving Wu Empire

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The missing of the empress caused a huge commotion in the palace. Lord Li Shizen and Madam Feng almost got a heart attack when they were informed about their son had been kidnapped. Empress Dowager Wu Jiaying was worried sick and immediately meet up with Lord Shizen.

Both of them reached a final decision to close all the gates and border, preventing anyone from going in or out of the country.

Besides the problem of finding the empress, they got another huge problem.

That is...

How and who should go and inform the emperor about this matter.

Everyone in the nation knows how the emperor truly doting on his wife. No one dares to have a look on the empress in the presence of the emperor if they wished to leave unpunished.

And now, the emperor's beloved has been taken away. All of them didn't dare to imagine how the situation will be when the emperor is informed about this. They can only pray for the safety of Guo Wei, Chang Min, elite guards and also the person who informed him.

In the end, two guards reluctantly stride to the border.

Meanwhile, in the palace, the fire has been successfully put out after more than one hour. Wu Jiaying ordered all of them to keep aside that matter first and focus on finding the empress.

Every entrance and gate is tightly guarded by imperial guards. Soldiers also spread out to find any hidden passage that might be used by the kidnappers.

However, two hours passed and Xiu Ying still couldn't be found. No one coming in or out of the gate and even every two meters along the wall is guarded by imperial guards. It is almost impossible for someone to sneak out unnoticed.

It is almost the break of the day but the empress is still nowhere to be seen. Both Li Shizen and Wu Jiaying didn't fall asleep. They keep walking back and forth in their own room, waiting anxiously for any news about the empress.

Unbeknownst to them, the empress that they were struggling to find is still inside the palace ground. He is lying unconscious in someone's bedchamber.

Man 1 : "I think we can leave soon."

Man 2 : "But we must wait for that lord to come first. Who knows the guards are still patrolling out there."

Man 1 : "How long we have to wait? We should get going soon. Master is waiting for us."

Man 2 : "Just for a little while. We can't risk it. We are taking THE EMPRESS, not some mere palace maid. Do you think they'll stop looking for him after just one night of searching? Even if it's one year, they won't stop until they found him."

Man 1 just side-glancing at Man 2, then he rolls his eyes.

While they are contemplating to make their move or not, the sounds of someone unlocking the door make them turn their head immediately. They take out their blade and stealthily approached the door with defending stance.

They are ready to attack but when they saw the familiar face walked into the room, they retract their blade and kowtow.

"My Lord," both of them greet.

The noble person in the blue silk robe just nods then he tilts his head to take a glance at Xiu Ying who is still lying unconsciously on the bed. He smirks.

"Wait for a little while. The imperial guards are still patrolling outside. And change into these..." The nobleman passes three sets of clothes.

The two men look at the sets of clothes then they frown when they found a woman's robe at the bottom.

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