28 - Dismemberment

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The day that Wu Zhang Wei had waited so long, has come. The day when he finally gets to remove one of the ladder that can help Lord Yu Chenyi to widen his influence and climb to the top. Zhang Wei never afraid of Lord Yu Chenyi but he doesn't want to cause any harm towards his people.

If Lord Yu Chenyi decided to ask help from the South Kingdom, there will be a lot of death and losses that his people have to suffer. While suppressing Lord Yu's power, Zhang Wei gave Huang Fei Hong time to increase the number of his army. Honed their skills and trained them to be a merciless killer.

Yesterday in the morning, Momo had been brought to the main hall and she was given a strong poison. Momo knows that there's nothing that can save her life so she took the poison without much trouble. A minute after the poison flowed down her throat, she started to tremble and then she spits out a mouthful of blood.

Next, during the afternoon, Yu Li Na was led in shackles and cangue, parading around the city. When the guard shouting her crimes, all the people keep throwing eggs, vegetables, or whatever their hands could reach. Yu Li Na's furious eyes didn't affect them and it only makes them cursed her more.

So today, early in the morning, all the ministers, officers, and even normal citizens are allowed to come to the field. Actually, this field is the training ground for the imperial army but it is also used for a certain occasion.

Many people came to witness the punishment that was rarely being sentenced to an offender. But if it was carried out, it means the crimes is not a light one.

As it won't take too much time, Zhang Wei preferred to stand under a tent. On his left, Wu Jiaying and Wu Xiaoqing stand together. On his right and slightly behind, Li Xiu Ying was forced to stand there. Wen Qian didn't come in excuse of still in treatment but actually, she didn't dare to watch a bloody scene.

The presence of Xiu Ying near Zhang Wei brings much questions to the people. They're wondering who is the beautiful person near the emperor. But most of them guessed he might be the most favored consort. Some people who had seen Xiu Ying when he returned home were surprised that he's actually related to the royal family.

When Yu Li Na was dragged into the middle of the field, people start murmuring. They look at her in disgust and Lord Yu also didn't escape from their judgments but the latter ignored them all. Hands on the back and poker face, no one would have thought he's planning to destroy someone.

Back to the middle of the field, Yu Li Na was laid on the ground. Each of her hands and legs was tied to a chariot. Her tears start to fall down but her hatred towards Xiu Ying only increase and she didn't reflect on what she did despite her current condition.

As soon as the plate that has Yu Li Na's name written on it was thrown onto the ground, the execution started. The guards who driven the chariots started to pull the rein and horses started to move.

Yu Li Na's arms and limbs immediately being stretched. It was a slow and extremely painful way of execution. Loud screams and the shrill voice can be heard by all the people present in the field. Warm blood gushes out when one by one, her arm and limb starts to tear apart. The blood splattered all over the sandy ground.

Most people lower their heads, didn't dare to watch such a gore scene in front of them. Wu Zhang Wei didn't avert his eyes and watch in satisfaction. But then, he noticed Xiu Ying shuts his eyes tight and frowns.

Pulling by the waist and reducing the distance between them, now Xiu Ying is embraced in Zhang Wei's arms. He gently pushes Xiu Ying's head onto his chest as not to let him see the the brutal way of death.

The last scream before Yu Li Na finally lays on the ground armless and limbless makes Xiu Ying flinches and he unintentionally clutches on Zhang Wei's robe. The latter pulls him closer and gently pats his back.

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