21 - Game start

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Half a month passed and Wen Qian is getting sicker day by day. During the night, she would feel dizzy but it will be gone the next day. But because of it, she got sleepless nights. Her complexion looks really bad.

It's been a while since Xiu Ying visited Wen Qian as he was immersed in his study of poisons. He was shocked when he saw Wen Qian.

"Qi- Qian... Wh- what's wrong with you?! You're too pale and you're losing lots of weight." Xiu Ying groping Wen Qian's shoulders and arm, measuring it.

Wen Qian faintly smiles. "Lately, I keep having a headache every night and my stomach feels a bit uncomfortable. But, don't worry. I always feel better the next morning."

Xiu Ying frowns, "Headache every night? And stomach ache too? How often did it occur?"

Wen Qian hesitates, "We- well... about every two to three days. I'm fine Xiu Ying. Don't worry." Wen Qian didn't want to trouble her only friend.

Without saying anything, Xiu Ying grabs Wen Qian's wrist and reads her pulse. Since he worked at the imperial pharmacy, his pulse reading is getting much better. He learned it diligently because in this world there's no stethoscope and ultrasound scanner that can do the work.

Once he got the reading, the knitted brows become deeper. "Seems like there is a problem with your heart and stomach..." Xiu Ying can't give the details based on her pulse only.

"Do you remember, when the exact time you started to feel like this?" Xiu Ying's changed into a strict doctor mode. Making Wen Qian flinched.

"Around a few weeks ago."

"Before that, do you remember what you did, where did you go, or who you met?" Xiu Ying squints his eyes, stressing on 'who you met' part.

"I- I just did my daily routines. Staying in my courtyard. I didn't go anywhere. I only met you and sometimes His Majesty came at night. I think that's al- ..."

"What's wrong? Did you remember anything?" Xiu Ying asked impatiently.

"It's ... Yu Li Na and Lin Hui Yin. They came here a few weeks ago. I think a few days after they came, I started to feel extreme pain in my head."

Xiu Ying's face turns cold. He grips his fist tightly. 'You already started, huh? Taking advantage when I'm not around.'

"Did you remember anything out of place when she came? Did she give you anything to eat or drink?"

Wen Qian slowly shakes her head. "No. Everything was prepared by my servants. She also didn't bring anything for me. But she..."

"She what?"

"I'm not sure whether it has anything to do with this but that day, she was holding my hand in a weird way." Wen Qian holds up her right arm.


"At first, I thought she tried to comfort me but she kept rubbing my wrist. Her thumb keeps caressing the pulse area. I didn't take into much care because her fingers don't feel oily or powdery. Her fingers are dried and clean. So, I didn't suspect anything."

"There are many kinds of poison that are too fine in texture and odorless." Xiu Ying mumbles.

"Then, when you feel the pain, did you take any painkillers?"

Wen Qian nods. "Yes. I think it's the one you brought to me before. It's really effective. Adding with the lavender incense, in just a few minutes, the pain subsides and I slept soundly."

Xiu Ying raises his eyebrows, "What lavender incense?"

"Oh. Xiao Lu, my servant said lavender incense can help to treat headaches and has a calming effect. So, almost every night I'll burn the incense to help me sleep better."

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