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Noah's POV:

Another shitty day at the same old boring high school. Seth and the other guys told me we're getting a new student, and she's a girl. Seth also said she was hot.

I guess I'll see for myself. They all said she was the one in the office that got the principle off my ass for a couple minutes.

It's not like I really did anything wrong. I just decided that Mr. Hamilton wasn't worth my time.

Coach is going to be on my ass about it though, with the season coming up, he can't afford for them to kick me off the team.

I step out of my Truck and sling my backpack over my shoulder.

I walk towards the big double doors of Crest Ridge High. The smallest school in existence.

Seriously. With 217 students everyone knows every one else's business.

I walk over to my locker to put my shit away when I feel someone slam into my back and throw an arm around me.

I scowl at Seth who looks at me with a wide grin.

"Ready for another absolutely retched day at Crest Ridge High?" He asks shaking my shoulders. I shrug and put my backpack into my locker. I grab my binder, then turn around to see all the guys looking over at some kid getting pushed around my Andrew.

"Stop! What the fuck are you doing?" I hear a girl yell from the crowd. She grabs Andrew's arm as he's about to punch the kid

Andrew looks over at the girl. Then he says something to her I can't hear. I make my way forward through the crowd.

Something about this girl. I'm drawn to her. It's weird. Like some need to protect her and I haven't even seen her face.

She turns toward the kid who's laying on the ground, petrified.

"Leave." I faintly hear her say. I'm at the front of the crowd now and I still haven't seen her face. The kid scrambles off the ground quickly making a break for it.

Andrew yanks his hand out of his grip and pushes her against the lockers. I'm about to step forward and put him in his place, but the look on her face stops me.

She looks mad. Beyond mad, absolutely lethal. I keep my feet rooted where the are.

"Why the fuck would you do that?" He growls at her.

"You mean save a kid from getting the shit beaten out of him? Oh I don't know because you're twice his size and probably have no reason to fight that kid," She replies sassily. Damn.

Seth was absolutely right about this girl. She's gorgeous. Her hair falls perfectly off her shoulders and around her neck and collarbone.

I have this weird urge to mark all of those places making sure everyone knows she's mine, but she's not.

I bury that thought knowing that she doesn't even know who I am.

Andrew lifts his hand and is about to hit her. I finally take a step forward ready to put him on his ass, but she beats me to it. She knees him in the dick, hard. I literally grimace at the way his face looks. He bends at the waist giving her the perfect opportunity to sock him in the nose, which she takes.

He falls to the ground groaning in pain.

That man is 300 pounds of solid muscle. This girl looks no more than 130 and is a good 5 inches shorter than him. Damn x2.

"Raise a hand at me again and you'll get worse than that. Asshole." She scoffs at him and look around. "What?" She asks loudly to the group of people staring at her. They all scatter. She walk over to Kena, aka the girl Dylan's obsessed with, who is frozen in her spot. They link arms and start walking off down the hall.

I cross my arms and smirk at the asshole laying on the floor in front of my feet. Serves him right.

It was a big turn on the way she put him in his place. 2 hits and he was on the ground. Like fuck girl.

Damn, new girl. What are you doing to me?

"That. was. awesome." I hear from behind me. I turn to see my friends all standing behind me looking both shocked and amused.

"You were right." I hear myself say.

"About what?" Seth questions.

"She is hot." I smirk. She's a lot more than hot.

"Dude, she's friends with Kena. Don't fuck stuff up for me." Dylan pleas.

"Chill. She probably won't even talk to me." I reply looking back at Andrew. "Or I'll end up like him."

"Doubtful." Ollie says. We all turn to look at him. "What? You're hot."

I laugh at Ollie's antics. He's not flirting with me, he's just is very blunt. And very gay.

"Thank you Ollie. Now he's going to be even more egotistical." Seth rolls his eyes but I can see the amusement underneath his smirk.

"Okay. Let's let me do the talking." Dylan suggests. We all nod our heads.

I go through the next period not being able to take my mind off of her. The way she talked. Her voice. The authority she already held over most of the student body. The way she took down a dude twice her size.

And goddamn. I wanted to know her. I wanted to know everything there is to know about her. But first, I got to meet her.

I had no idea just how hard I'd fall for this girl. But I was willing to let myself fall. As long as she came down with me. But it might already be too late for that.

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