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During the course of second period me and Kena make comments to each other about our teacher.

"Carter, since you seem to think you don't have to listen in my class, would you like to tell us what pH level each one of these enzymes functions best at?"

I cough trying to hold back a laugh, "Not particularly but I guess."

I stand up and walk to the board writing down the answer to each question.

I turn back around and look at the teacher.

"Lemme know if I got anything wrong teach."

I start walking back to my seat and scan the class I see Kena trying to hold back a laugh, a couple of the smart kids checking my answers and in the back I see the four most attractive boys I've ever seen. Why is that fair? That all the hot guys live in small towns. I also remember three of them from the office on friday which means the fourth boy the one with shaggy brown almost black hair and blue eyes and looks like a fucking god shaped him, must be the one and the only Noah motherfucking Eades. I make eye contact with each of them a small smirk set on my lips as I sit down in my seat I hear the annoying voice of my lovely teacher pull me out of my thoughts.

"Ms. Miller, you got number 4 wrong."

I look at the board and my eyes swipe over number 4, it says the answer is 11. That's right, what the fuck is this guy talking about.

"Uh no Sir," I say calmly. "It's not wrong."

"Yes, Ms. Miller it is." He says now looking red with anger.

"Sir, If you don't mind." I gesture to my phone sitting on my desk.

I pick it up and start typing in the question without waiting for his permission.

"It says here that the pH level to keep that particular enzyme in a state of homeostasis is 11." I smile up at him as he reads my phone.

He doesn't say anything he just goes back to the board and erases the red mark that he left on number 4. I smile triumphantly.

"Hot, badass, funny, smart. What the fuck are you an alien?" Kena whispers to me.

"No I'm your new fucking best friend bitch." I whisper back. She throws her head back and laughs.

I see the teacher about to say something so I turn to him and raise an eyebrow. He closes his mouth.

"Fuck dude you got Mr. Hamilton scared of you. You really are my new best friend." I just laugh lightly at Kena's comment.

Soon enough the bell rings and we leave to go to lunch having our first two blocks done. Lunch and then one more class then 3 new ones tomorrow.

Me and Kena walk out of the class laughing when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see one of the "bad boys" standing right in front of me with the three others lingering behind him.

"Hey Carter right? I'm Dylan." He puts his hand out for me to shake. I look at Kena wide-eyed but she's just staring at him. I grab his hand and shake it and he smiles at me then looks over at Kena. She looks down blushing. I didn't know this girl blushes

"I'm kinda hungry, so if that was it..." He turns his head back to me and smiles again.

"Yeah, yeah of course we just wanted to introduce ourselves, That's Seth," he points to the blonde haired guy he smirks and winks at me, I just laugh as he points to the next guy who has auburn hair, "That's Ollie," he continues. Ollie just gives me a little smile and wave and he points to the god-like boy who was definitely not a boy, "and that is Noah." he concludes and smiles at me.

"Hey good job putting Mr. Dickwad in his place earlier," Ollie says. "How did you know that stuff you definitely weren't paying attention during class."

"Aww Ollie, already paying so much attention to me," I cooed at him. Seth and Dylan snicker and I see a small smile pull on Noah's lips.

"Ha Ha, No but seriously," he says.

"My dad used to be a marine biologist, he taught me a lot growing up."

"Used to?" He asks. I know he's not trying to pry probably just making conversation, but it still stings.

"Yeah, uh- he died a few years back." I see Noah visibly stiffen and Kena looks at me wide eyed.

"Oh- Uh- I'm so sor- " Ollie starts. I just chuckle sadly.

"Hey, Don't worry about it you didn't know," I say with a smile at him. He looks at me greatfully.

"Well uh if that's all, we're gonna head to lunch," Kena says feeling the awkwardness starting to rise. All the boys head turn to her and she immediately looks at me.

"Yeah, yeah right uhm okay see you around Carter, Bye Kena," Dylan says smiling at us. I can see Kena blushing so I loop my arm around hers and let her lead us to the cafeteria.

Once we're out of earshot and around the corner from the guys, Kena looks behind us to make sure they aren't there before the freaking out begins.

"Holy fucking mother of Jesus, Mary. Fucking Shit Carter, What the hell, Holy shit, What the actual fuck is happing, you bitch, Oh my god." Shes saying to herself while freaking out.

"Listen Kena- It's not a big deal yeah?"


"Are you done? Can we go eat?"

"Yes, Yes I'm done."

"By the way, Dylan was totally staring at you."

"No he wasn't." She starts blushing profusely.

"Yeah, he was. Don't even try to deny it, and the way he said your name, oh my god, I would've jumped him right there if I was you."

Now she's so red she looks like she's about to burst. We sit down at the table with the rest of the group and they start asking questions about where we've been.

"The bad boys came up to us after bio." The group silences all staring at me wide- eyes except for Kena who just looks smug. Taking revenge I see.

"Yeah well Dylan was totally staring at Kena like the whole time we talked." I say taking the attention off me.

"Seth winked at her and Ollie started a conversation with her when he didn't have to." She fired back.

"Dude it's not a big deal."

"NOT A BIG DEAL?" they all yell in sync.

The whole cafeteria silences and I see the boys all looking over at our group with amused expressions.

"Oh God," Maddie whispers "They're all staring at us."


Btw y'all I post randomly. And i'll continue to post randomly sorry 'bout it. ❤️ also i'm just gonna let y'all imagine what the people look like bc why the hell not

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