06//no fangirling

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I'm currently walking across the godforsaken school to ask a group of the 4 most attractive guys I've ever seen to ask to do a bunch of stupid interviews because two of my friends are too scared to.

After my third period with Jake and Kena, I've kinda forgotten about having to do this until Maddie cornered me and Kena bribed me again.

So when I'm walking down the bleachers making as much noise as possible as to announce my presence to the entire lacrosse team of Crestridge High, I'm not sure what I expected but it definitely was NOT getting hit on by 30 guys at once.

"Damn baby, come to watch me play?"

"Babygirl come here I'll show you a good time."

"Lemme hit girl"

"Fucking shit guys leave her alone she already broke Andrew's nose this morning which one of you do you think is next?" I hear Dylan's voice from the side of the crowd.

"Hey I came to ask Noah a question, it's for yearbook, we have to do a spread sheet on the lacrosse team, meaning we have to take a bunch of pictures at practice and games and interview you guys and stuff, but we can't really do any of it without the captain's approval and the coaches of course but-" I ramble to Dylan who's standing in front of me looking a little lost.

"You can do a page on us." I hear a deep husky voice say behind me.

I turn around to see Noah standing there looking sexy as fuck in his lacrosse uniform with his stick and helmet in one hand.

"Oh thank god I thought that would be a lot harder than it was." I let out a relived laugh.

"Quick question," I hear Dylan say, "Who's we because I don't want annoying screaming girls at our practices."

"Oh no don't worry about that, it's just me, Maddie, and Kena. We promise that we won't be THAT annoying." I say smiling at him. He laughs a little.

"Coach is over there if you want to ask." I hear Noah's voice again, Dylan looks at him kinda surprised, but i'm not sure as to why.

"Okay thanks, Bye." I wave at the boys and the rest of the team as I make my way over to the coach.

"Hey Coach, I was wondering if it would be okay with you if me and 2 of my friends could do a page on the lacrosse team for yearbook."

"2 more girls?" He asks.

"Yes sir 2 more girls but we promise we won't fangirl over your players, between you and me they don't have a very good way of flirting so if that's what your worried about then there won't be a problem." He looks conflicted.

"Why did you have to ask me?"

"Because you are the one who organizes transportation and me and my friends will have to come with you to games to take pictures and we also just have to notify you to make sure your okay with your team being in yearbook."

"You know you really had this all planned out huh?"

"Yes, sir."

"I like you, you can call me Robert. What's your name and your friends names?"

"I'm Carter Miller, I'm new here, and the other girls on the sheet with me are Kena Bould, and Madison Harper."

"Well it's nice to meet you Carter, are you staying for practice today?"

"Not today we were actually planning on starting to come on thursday, and we can set up some interviews for after practice if you're alright with that. Here's my email so you can let me know." I hand him a piece of crumpled notebook paper which he shoves in his pocket giving me a smile.

"Yep all good, I'll send you our schedule so you know when games are and I'll let the team know we're going to be doing interviews and have photographers and what was that you said, having 'fangirls'?" He questions me with a big smile stretched across his face now. I laugh and shake my head.

"Robert, I said NO fangirling," I laugh again and he throws his head back.

"I like you Carter, I can't wait to see more of you."

"Thank you, I'll see you Thursday." He nods and smiles at me then walks off to the team who are all looking at me like I'm crazy. Okay now I'm confused. First with Noah now with Coach.

What's wrong with these boys.

I walk back inside the school heading to the parking lot. I see Kena and Maddie in the deserted lot talking and laughing.

"Who's your daddy?" I question with a wide grin on my face

"Depends on what you did." Kena says with a raised eyebrow. I scoff.

"We're you doubting my skills to get both Noah Eades and Robert to accept my amazing offer of having them be apart of Crestridges amazing yearbook?"

"Who's Robert?" Maddie asks scrunching her nose up.

"He's the coach."

"YOU GOT COACH TO TALK TO YOU?" They question at the same time.

"Yes now why is everyone looking at me like I'm crazy."

"Coach doesn't talk to anyone. Let alone let anyone call him by his name."

"Well like I said... Who's your daddy?"

"You, now tell us everything."

I convey the entirety of both conversations to them and they're looking at me shocked.

"Okay you guys really need to stop looking at me like that."

"You got Noah AND Coach to talk to you, and not only that, AGREE to let us do this stupid sheet?"


"Are you sure your not an alien?" Kena asks.

"No, I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure i'm not, Now fuckers, where's my milkshake?"

We head off with that, to Ruby's to get the best milkshake in town, I drive Maddie home in my amazing Bronco because she lives right next to the school so she just walks and Kena leave to go back to her house.


When I get home I see my mom's car parked in the driveway. I go inside and she asks me about school and if I made any new friends. I tell her about Kena, Maddie, Jake, and Josh, while we eat dinner and then I head off to bed mentally preparing myself for the days to come.

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