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We started our chill day watching Pirates of the Caribbean Movies.

"Johnny Depp could literally fuck me whenever he wanted," I say. Kena, Maddie, Ollie, and Josh all nod along while the other boys are just staring at us like we're crazy.

"Isn't he like 50?" Seth asks.

"So?" Maddie retorts.

"So that's like really illegal, you're 17."

"I'm almost 18 dumbass then it won't be illegal and he can fuck the daylights out of me."

"She's righty Seth don't try to argue us on this." Kena says still staring at the screen until Johnny comes on the screen to which she moans and throws popcorn at the TV making all of us laugh.

As the day progressed we watched more movies and convinced the boys to do face masks with us and paint our nails.

"Why are we doing this again?" Dylan asks while Kena's trying to cover his face with the mask.

"Because you're at my house and therefore, we're fucking doing face masks."

"I'm not putting that shit on my face." Jake says crossing his arms.

"You will or Ill make you." I retort.

"What are you going to do?"

"Recall Andrew?"

He pales a little and grumbles a fine under his breath and I continue putting the mask on Noah's face who looks like he'd rather be anywhere but here.

"Noah, I'm aware that you would rather be anywhere but here, but at least pretend to look like you don't want to kill yourself." I say stepping out from between his legs and walking over to Jake to put the mask on him next.

"Carter, you just put god knows what on my face and you want me to pretend to not want to die?"

"Yes I do! There you go," I turn to Ollie, "I told you he wasn't that dumb." I say and Ollie laughs knowing I'm kidding.

"Ha ha. Very funny."

"I thought so." I say smirking at him and he sends a genuine smile back in return. God his smile is so pretty, and the way his piercing blue eyes light up a little bit when he really smiles at me.

We all talk and do self care things for a while, before everyone cuddles down on the couch and starts trying to decide on a movie. We all finally get the boys to agree to watch A Walk to Remember, and then me and Maddie go to the kitchen to make popcorn and rootbeer floats.

"Mads?" She takes a sip of her water and hums in response.

"Do you like Seth?" She proceeds to choke on said water.

"Why?" She asks fiddling with the hem of her oversized tee.

"Don't deflect the question."

"I think so. But you can't tell anyone C, really, he's a player, I'm crazy to like him right?"

"I don't know Mads I think he likes you too. Plus he's not really a bad guy."

"I guess. What about you do you like Noah?"

I'm immediately about to say no but then I think about it.

I mean he's gorgeous. And he's sweet but quiet. But not in a shy way. In a way that seems like he's scared to open up. He's funny and can take my jokes without getting butthurt. Plus he looks damn good in jeans.

"I'm not sure Mads," I say quietly. "I don't know but he makes me feel like myself more than other people. But I don't know if I like him."

"Understandable." Then the microwave beeps signaling that the popcorns done. We head back out with popcorn waters and root beer floats handing everyone their snacks and drinks Seth makes room for Maddie next to him and Noah shoves Ollie next to Josh and off the loveseat giving me room to sit there between him and Jake.

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