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Kena tells me that I just broke the quarterback, Andrew's, nose as we walk around before first period. I also find out that that asshole starts fights with everyone for no reason and no one likes him but everyone's terrified of him. She also informs me that the hottest guys in school or the "bad boys" as she calls them watched me take down that 300 pound 6'4 dude with 2 hits. I'm not sure why this is relevant but apparently she has had a crush on "Dylan Ryder" since she knew what a crush was. Which I find extremely entertaining. We have second period with the "bad boys" so she promised to point them out to me. She said they're names were Dylan Ryder, Seth Waters, Ollie Newsome, and...you guessed it... Noah Eades.

"They're all like totally hot, but mostly keep to themselves. Noah especially. Dylan, Seth, and Ollie talk to other people sometimes but they don't have many other friends. Dylan's the "sweetheart" of the group, Seth's the "player" and the class clown, Ollie's the smart one, and Noah doesn't talk to anyone besides his group, like ever. He's the kinda guy who gets into fights every other week. But he's super hot and he definitely has that bad boy thing going on which totally works on him, and he's super smart but he doesn't really talk in class which pisses teachers off.

Along with her other rambling about Crestridges gorgeous bad boys she points out different cliques. You have your usual jocks, barbies, video game geeks, robotic nerds, smart kids that keep to themselves, the cheerleader wannabes, the goths, the couples, and lastly she points to a group of people that all wave us over, the group that gives 0 fucks and does whatever they want. I'm suddenly extremely glad that Kena's the one that's supposed to show me around because this is the group I would want to be in.

"Guys, this is Carter. Carter this is Jake," She points to a dark haired boy, "Maddie," She points to a girl with blonde hair, "and Josh." She finished pointing to the guy with black hair and buzz cut.

"Hey guys," I give a small wave. Maddie immediately comes over and hugs me, squealing a little bit. The group laughs and Kena starts telling them about how I took down dickface.

"That's kinda badass, Carter," Josh says.

"Oh my god!" Maddie laughs, "Did Josh just COMPLIMENT someone? The world is ending." We all laugh at this and josh just flips her off.

"Let's see your schedule new girl," Jake holds out his hand to me. I dig the schedule out of my pocket then hand it to him. They all look it over and I have 3 classes with Maddie, 1 Class with Josh, and 2 with Jake.

The warning bell rings and Maddie, Kena, Jake and I all head to our first period which happens to be yearbook.

They start asking me random questions about my life and I answer them all at a rapid pace trying to get my mind off the stares of all 217 of the student population of Crestridge High.

We walk into the classroom and out of the stares of the student body. I walk over to the teacher who's sitting at a desk in the front of the room on a stool on her phone.

"Hi, I'm Carter Miller, I'm new to Crestridge." I say to the teacher, she looks up from her phone.

"Oh! Hi Carter, I'm Ms. Lockheart. You can take a seat next to Kena over there, we're getting new assignments today so you won't have anything to catch-up on in this class." She points towards where Kena and Maddie are sitting chatting.

"Okay, thank you!"

I walk over to the seat next to Kena and sit down, joining in on her and Maddie's conversation.

"Oh my god, Noah transferred into second period bio with you guys. That's not fair! Now you have all of the hot boys in your class." Maddie says.

"Mads, they would never notice us anyways."

"Yeah, but at least you have something to do in bio." We all laugh.

"Okay class, We have new assignments today and it's on sports now, Kena, Carter and Maddie I'll be having you guys do a sheet on the boys lacrosse team. Jake, Henry..." She continues giving out assignments while Kena and Maddie start squealing behind me.

"Oh my god, no way."

"We have the lacrosse team!"

"Why are you guys so excited to be assigned to lacrosse?" i ask.

"4 reasons. And their names are: Seth, Ollie, Dylan and Noah." Maddie says with a serious face.

"Well that explains the dirty looks every girl in the class is currently giving us." We all laugh and start talking about how were going to do this.

"Okay so basically I just got here and you guys want ME to go up to the four most popular guys in school and ask to interview them. WHILE they're trying to practice. Nope. Absolutely not." I say to them.

"Come on please!"

"Yeah, they probably think you're like a badass or something cus you punched Andrew."


"Oh my god, Carterrrr!"

"If I didn't know any better I would think that you guys are trying to make me commit social suicide."

"I'll buy you a milkshake at Rose's Diner after school." Maddie says hopefully.

"Ugh, I can't believe I told you my one weakness. Fine, fine, I'll do it."


The bell them rings signaling the end of class. Kena links her arm through mine and we walk off to biology calling bye to Maddie and Jake on the way.

As we enter the classroom I just take a seat next to Kena in the middle because the teacher isn't here yet.

I look to my right and back and see four guys huddled together the back of 2 of them facing me while the other two are so focused on the others that they don't even notice us.

"Those are the bad boys," whispered Kena from my left.

"those are the bad boys?" I question.

"what C? not to your liking?"

"No, no it's not that it's just they don't look very I don't know bad?"

"They smoke, drink, party, play with girls hearts, beat the shit out of people, have tattoos, what more do you want?"

"Oh come on I party, have a tattoo and we've established that I beat the shit out of people, but am I a bad girl?"

"In a word? Yes."

"Ugh bitch," I say under my breath with a small smile playing on my lips so she knows i'm being sarcastic.

She just flips me off and then the bell rings. Everyone sits in their seats, and the teacher walks in.

"Goodmorning class, I believe we have a new student, would you like to come up here and tell us your name Carter?" He asks me but Kena told me he's an ass so I decided to sass him, because, i don't know, fuck it.

"I believe you just did, sir," I say the 'sir' sarcastically. And I hear a chorus of chuckles from around the classroom.

"Aye come on Carter get up and give us a spin," says a voice from the back of the room. I turn around in my seat and lock eyes with the boy who said that who was right behind me.


I get up from the seat and do a little spin and when I turn back around I see his eyes linger where my ass just was. I lean down and put a hand on his desk

"I hope you took a good look at my ass dickhead, This is the closest your gonna get to it."

He immediately become flustered and I hear the class laughing and I give him a little smirk and sit back down in my chair.

"Like I said, your a badass." Kena whispers to me.


hey cuties! you meet noah next chapter i promise I just had to do a little prologue on Carter before I introduced our main guy. Give y'all a little bit to go off of and I don't like making the chapters super long. Okay love you!

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