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"No-one likes a mad woman; you made her like that."



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The Stadium


Ellie looked in front of her, mouth agape as she looked over the stadium. It was huge, and it looked like they were running an entire nation inside of it. Propaganda for the WLF was graffitied and plastered all over the walls and windows, making it obvious that the anti-FEDRA operation had taken their stay inside of it. Willow looked around, making sure they both stayed in the shadows as best as possible. They had to get in somehow, they needed intel to get back to Jackson with.

The older teenager motioned Willow over, and they ran out as soon as none of the guards were looking, ducking behind one of the military-grade trucks. There was a door directly beside them that led into the stadium, a sign plastered on it that read 'Sewer Entry'. Ellie kept her back pressed to the truck as she maneuvered herself over, her feet aching against the road as she reached her hand out towards the doorknob. She grabbed onto it and pushed the door open, letting Willow enter first.

A large staircase led down for what seemed like forever, but you could barely see the break in it that led into the main sewers. Ellie shut the door behind the two girls inconspicuously, beginning the long walk down the concrete stairs with Willow. Their footsteps echoed across the walls and bounced off the ceilings, announcing their presence to anyone that was down in the sewers. Willow and Ellie both silently prayed that they were alone, but the odds were most likely not in their favour.

They made it to the end of the staircase quickly, and they stepped onto a large, wooden flooring that sat above the rushing water. Every step that Willow and Ellie took croaked, the old floor barely standing below them. A large wailing noise came from behind them, and they quickly whipped their heads around, only to face a runner. It took quick notice to the girls, sending panic through Ellie as it ran towards them. She fumbled to grab her gun, but the wooden floor beneath the runner caught her eye.

Each floorboard had cracked, sending itself down deeper into the system. Ellie looked towards Willow, who had a terrified look on her face as the runner inched closer and closer. The infected grasped onto the younger girl's neck, blocking her airway quickly. She struggled against it, her face glowing red as the blood desperately rushed to the top of her body. Her hands jumped up to pry its hands off her neck, but nothing worked. The wooden floor suddenly collapsed under the three's weight, sending them plummeting down into another level of the sewers.

Willow landed down harshly with a grunt, the concrete fall making her back ache in a deep pain. Ellie quickly stood up, her vision clouding as she grabbed out her gun and shot the runner five times. It collapsed on Willow's body, and her eyes widened in shock. Ellie looked over the girl, holding her hand out and helping her up off the ground. They looked around the larger sewer system they were in, spores inching across the walls.

mad woman ⎯ e. williamsWhere stories live. Discover now