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"I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it."



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To Jackson


Robin walked down the stairs towards the exit of the WLF stadium. The tight, concrete corridors suffocated her, but she was willing to traverse the hallways for the sweet release of fresh air that she had been begging to breath in. Her lungs had been screaming at her to inhale something other than the horrible, air-conditioned oxygen that was recycled in the vents, so the fact that she was called outside made her body relax with recognition that it was getting what it wanted.

She didn't really know why she was going down. She was still waiting on Ollie to give her the 'okay' so that she could get to Jackson. Robin knew her way there, she just needed Isaac and his men to stop hounding her ass on assignments. Even though she had taken her fair share of patrols in the prior months, everyone had been on edge. She was expected to take the roles of everyone who had been busy fighting Scars, which she hated.

At the end of the corridor, a door stood tall, leading to the outside world. Robin took a deep breath, opening it and watching as it slammed shut behind her. Outside, many WLF members and patrolmen were standing on the road, fully dressed in their tactical gear. What was going on? Robin looked around for a sign as to what happened, only finding many more soldiers scattered around the outside perimeter of the stadium.

Tired of not knowing what was going on to cause the commotion, Robin stepped across some of the road, greeting one of the soldiers. His helmet had come off, revealing his panic-stricken face. WLF members were always fearless, what the hell happened? "Hey, what's going on?" Robin asked, causing his eyes to dart around until they faced her.

His eyes seemed to soften as he confirmed that it was Robin Arn who was talking to him. "Some girls came in and out, they-" He cut himself off as he saw the woman's eyes glow with hatred. If those were the same girls that came in from Jackson, she would kill them both. "You should go see Liam, he's at the entrance to the sewers."

Robin looked at him, puzzled. "Why?"

"Just- talk to him before you leave."

The woman nodded slowly, stepping backwards and completely turning around. Most of the commotion that had circulated was around the sewer door, so she made her way towards it. Some of the soldiers were still on edge, their guns drawn and held against their chests. It was almost unsettling to see so many people shocked and appalled at something that had happened. Robin hadn't even heard the commotion, was it as big as she thought?

Two of the WLF soldiers stood in front of the sewer grate, seemingly keeping guard. Robin approached them both, standing out on the concrete and letting the rain dribble down her forehead. "Do either of you care to let me know what happened here?" She asked, desperate to try and find any answers to the rigid men in front of her. They only stared, seemingly looking her face over and panicking at the sight of her.

mad woman ⎯ e. williamsWhere stories live. Discover now