Chapter 1 - Divide and Conquer

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Smoke pours from behind the outer wall and the shattered front entrance with klaxons and sirens blaring. Three guards run in through the entrance, each has a number emblazoned on their shoulders.

"Code red! Cellblock Nine! Move out!" The other two follow orders and he brings up the rear. They run in a short distance and then slow to a walk, weapons at the ready. "Main yard secure."

Something very large is thrown down in front of them.

"There he is!" They advanced. "He'll free the criminals!" They leveled their weapons. "Fire!"

There target has already bashed out a large hole through the wall of the cellblock. As he made his way in, he threw part of the torn-out section at them. Seen from the back, the creature is at least ten feet tall, very blocky, and appears to be built entirely out of concrete.

The guards fired laser beams, striking the edges of the hole the cemented creature has made while a few connect with his back and others fly past.

He turns to them, revealing an equally blocky face with small, red eyes. The blasts are having no discernible effect on him. Voicing a grating roar, he raises one massive foot and stomps the ground, producing a long fissure that throws debris and dust into the three guards' faces to spoil their aim. He moves inside the cellblock and stops upon hearing the next words.

"You know, Cinderblock, normally, the bad guys break out of jail."

"And I can think of six good reasons why you don't want to break in." Robin leaps across the floor and lands in a crouch. "One!"

Starfire swoops and lands, looking sidelong over her shoulder. "Two!"

Beast Boy, as a tiger, lunges in. When he comes down, he has taken human form. "Three!"

Raven drops in and gets ready to cast a spell. "Four!"

Cyborg jumps in. "Five!"

Finally, you came swinging down and land with your knee and fist-first in a stance. "Six!"

The Titans stand ready for battle.

"No matter how you do the math, it all adds up to you going down. So, are you going to go quietly..."

"...Or is this gonna get loud?" Cyborg finished Robin's sentence.

Cinderblock roars and barrels straight towards them.

"Titans! Go!" Robin shouted.

They charge with Beast Boy becoming a falcon to fly. The six heroes and the one oversized villain hurtle towards one another.

You and Robin simultaneously land a solid kick that staggers the foe. Cinderblock turns around just in time to catch a double dose of starbolts in the back, courtesy of Starfire. Cyborg aims a right hook, driving him back by the impact despite blocking it.

Beast Boy dives in and rakes his talons across the concrete body time after time, forcing Cinderblock to run to another corner. Raven puts herself in his path and levitates a section of the floor, tilting it up until it stands vertical. She rises out of the way an instant before he crashes through the improvised barrier. She then flies away as you, Robin, Cyborg, and Starfire rush him.

You hopped over Cinderblock as he swung his giant back hand, knocking both Robin and Cyborg away but leaving Starfire in motion.

You landed behind the stone behemoth and twisted your body to the right, sending a left kick to his side. This caused Cinderblock to stumble over to the side as Starfire throws a couple of starbolts at him before delivering a high kick that drives him back against the wall.

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