Chapter 7 - Switched

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A closed stage curtain is illuminated by a spotlight. It opens, revealing a backdrop that depicts Titans Tower and the city proper behind it on the shore.

A wooden Robin marionette drops into view and hangs before the scene. "Titans! Go!" It leaps across the stage and looks back the way it came. It is alone. "Hey!"

Figures in the likenesses of the other five are clustered at the other end. While the four boys' puppets have hinged mouths, similar to a soldier-shaped nutcracker, the two girls' puppets do not.

"Aren't you guys coming?"

"What's the point? We can't possibly defeat the Puppet King." Says the Raven puppet.

"He is too clever and powerful, not to mention good-looking." Added the Starfire marionette.

"We are at his mercy. The strongest villain I have ever faced." Spoke the Spider-Man copy.

"Yeah. We should probably just surrender now." Commented the Cyborg puppet.

"Dude, I think we already have." The Beast Boy puppet gestured upwards.

The entire group looks up and throws their arms in the air.

Above the stage is a platform the puppeteer is standing on. He is a short, squat fellow in a military dress uniform and sash. His head is in shadow, obscuring a clear view of his face, but protuberant eyes and a small crown can be seen.

"Bravo, bravo. But enough rehearsal." He drops the crosspieces to which the strings are attached. "Time to start the show."

The six marionettes fall in a jumble and the curtain closes.


Titans Tower

You, Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy hung out during the day while Starfire and Raven stayed home. And now the four of you have just arrived on the island of the Tower, strolling towards the front door.

Beast Boy stretches. "Nothing like a good day of hanging out with only us guys, huh?" He places his hands behind the back of his head.

"You said it." Cyborg said with a smile.

Before you could add a comment of your own, you caught sight of a package at the front door. "Did anyone expect mail today?"

The other three look to one another and shake their heads. You picked it up and find the label bearing "To: Teen Titans–Titans Tower".

"Who's it for?" Robin asked curiously.

You turn to him. "For all of us... but it doesn't say who it's from though."

Cyborg grabs the package from you and enters the building. "Well, let's go find out what it is then."

You and the other two followed and entered the elevator, which goes up to the top floor of the tower. The door opens to show the operations center with Raven meditating.

"MAIL CALL!!" Cyborg suddenly shouted.

This causes Raven to let out a long, shocked yell and hit the floor with a thud. She winds up in a heap before the four boys came in with Cyborg carrying the crate.

Starfire flies to you four. "Robin! Spider-Man! Cyborg! Beast Boy! You are back! It was... quiet while you were gone.

Raven stands up and dusts herself off. "Not that quiet."

The crate is then set down at the kitchen table. Cyborg yanks it up as the others gather around. "Whoa!"

Robin peeks in. "Cool!"

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