Chapter 15 - Every Dog Has His Day

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A/N: I'm sorry guys for the extremely late update on chapters. I have no excuse for it whatsoever, other than just being really, really, really lazy. Again, I'm sorry for the late upload. I'll do better next time, but anyways... I hope you guys enjoy.


The full moon in the quiet night sky, a distant flash is seen which resolves into a red-and-yellow alien spacecraft. It zooms off to one side, cutting a path straight through the clouds. It cruises over Jump City Bay and heads straight for the urban center. As it passes the bridge and Titans Tower, the wake of its passage throws up a wall of water.

In an alley, several dogs are nosing through the trash in search of something to eat. They cut off their search and bark angrily at the passing vessel, which now sets course for the mountains outside the city. A quick dive behind a ridge puts it out of view, with the subsequent crash and cloud of smoke marking a very hard landing. Within the haze, a red-eyed silhouette rears up and leaps clear to land on the fresh furrow cut in the dirt. It is a green dog, with its tongue hanging out enthusiastically.


The Following Day

Titans Towers

Inside of Cyborg's room, you are patiently sitting on a table that the Titan uses for a bed as he inspects your suit.

Beast Boy, as a lizard, scuttles up the side of the room and reaches the ceiling. Hanging there, upside down, he surveys the budding mechanic hard at work.

Cyborg then gets an unexpected visit in the form of Beast Boy landing on his arm. The former's eyes bug out. "Wha-? Whoa!" He stumbles backward.

You chortle as Beast Boy is thrown against a container, and both tumble to the floor.

The other tools Cyborg was using scatter everywhere. Both get up, Beast Boy returning to human form, and Cyborg's face goes bright red as he growls in rage. "BEAST BOY!!"

"Heh... guess I shoulda knocked first." Cyborg starts to gather up the items he dropped. "So what's up, Cyborg? Figuring what Spider-Man's suit is about? Bet you could use a few extra hands." He becomes a squid.

"Nah, I can handle it. 'Sides, some of these tools are kinda-"

The green kraken returns to human form and eyes one tool intently. "Ooh! What's this do?"

You notice Cyborg looking over at him and dropping all the equipment again with a panicked little stutter. The item comes to life and emits a beam of energy. A scream causes Cyborg drifting back in time with a dense cloud of smoke. When it clears, a good portion of the room has been badly singed. Cyborg snorts furiously at his green comrade.

Beast Boy blushes with a big drop of sweat rolling down his temple. "Oops... heh."

"Maybe you should go help somebody else."

Beast Boy takes the hint and runs out of the place.

You shift a glance to your bionic friend. "You know he means well..."

Cyborg lets out a sigh. "I know..." He glances at his monitor and notices something. "Your suit reacts to thought. But you're also reacting to the suit's thoughts." He continues to analyze as he reads through the monitor. "It appears to be bonding to you physically and mentally. It's not advanced material which I thought it would be, so you weren't kidding when you said it was a sentient being... a symbiote to be exact."

"What's the point in all this anyway?"

Cyborg returns his gaze to you. "It's just a precaution. We all aren't too sure if the symbiote can be trusted, especially Robin."

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