Chapter 10 - Mad Mod

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You sit up after a moment with a huge gasp. "Huh?"

You find yourself in a large, partially lit atrium with several balconies running around the walls, as well as paintings hung everywhere. The brown is the polished wood back of the chair you're sitting in. Wrists and ankles are securely bond to it, struggling against the restraints but cannot get loose. Near you is the shadowy outline of Robin in a chair of his own.

Now the lights have fully come up to show one Titan after another also clamped into chairs. They are all half-unconscious, but come around with assorted groans, and each has an additional binding: red energy rings at Starfire's wrists, steel straps over Cyborg's chest, a white energy band encircling Raven's, and giant rubber bands on Beast Boy's.

"What?" Cyborg glanced around.

"Huh? Am I the only one who has no idea where we are?" Asked a confused Beast Boy.

"Why, you're right where you belong, my duckies." A male voice, with a Cockney accent, answered.

The green goofball gasps upon hearing these words.

A man stands at an open set of double doors on one balcony. Light from the other side obscures him for the moment, but a cane can be seen in one hand. "You're in school!"

"What?" You quirked your lense in confusion.

He leaps onto the banister of a nearby staircase and slides down it. He is in his early forties, red hair in a Beatle cut with muttonchop sideburns. He wears small rectangular sunglasses, sport coat with the design of the British Union Jack flag, black shirt, white kerchief tied at the neck, white pants, and brown shoes with black socks. His cane is topped with a large ruby.

Landing near Starfire, he twirls it one hand. "That's right, lads and loveys. You're the only students at Mad Mod's Institute for Bratty Teenage Do-Gooders." He tosses the cane high to his other hand and holds it out. "And it's high time someone taught you sprogs a lesson."

The floor is seen to be tiled in black and white checkerboard pattern. White light flares from the ruby as Mad Mod finishes.

"Uh-oh." Beast Boy said in fright.

Mad Mod strolls leisurely toward the Titans with the ruby on his cane blazing. As he nears the Titans, he raises the stick for a swing.

"Titans! Move!" Robin ordered.

The others are unable to break their bonds. Beast Boy cycles through lizard and cobra forms as he strains against his. Mad Mod is now prancing around at the foot of the stairs and twirling the cane.

"My starbolts are useless!"

The villain leans into Starfire's face. "Specially designed chairs, love."

You tried to break free from your bonds but more of them appears around your arms, legs, and chest. "Isn't this a bit excessive?"

Mad Mod turns his head to you. "Can't have those nasty superpowers disrupting my lecture, can I?"

"Get away from her!" Robin shouted.

The bizarre Brit straightens up, glances at Robin, and thrusts the cane into his face. Its ruby flares up anew, more intensely, and Robin recoils from the glare as far as he can.

"Now don't get your knickers in a twist, my little snot." He backs off. "I didn't go to all the trouble of building this school and filling your Tower with knockout gas just to finish you off lickety-split."

"Then what do you want?" Raven snarled.

"Just what I said, dearie." Mad Mod leans into her face. "To teach you lot a lesson!" He turns away, scratching himself. "Yes, I've been watching you children misbehave. And I hate misbehaving children." He points the cane off to one side. On the wall, a picture of him turns around to show Cyborg and Raven beating on Thunder and Lightning.

The Spectacular Titan (Teen Titans x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now