13| Photographer

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"Willow! Where the hell are you? Our plane leaves in forty minutes and we're still waiting for you in front of security!" Everett screams into his phone, standing on his tiptoes searching the crowds of people for his very late twin sister

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"Willow! Where the hell are you? Our plane leaves in forty minutes and we're still waiting for you in front of security!" Everett screams into his phone, standing on his tiptoes searching the crowds of people for his very late twin sister.

I can't hear how she responds, but Everett gets even angrier... I didn't think that was even possible. "Are you fucking kidding? Wills! I told you to leave the house early so this wouldn't fucking happen!"

"Yikes." Reese mutters from his position on the floor. "I would not want to be on the receiving end of that hot mess."

I'm pretty sure we have all been on the receiving end of an Ev-style telling off. Logan may be the typical 'Dad' of the group, and he scolds us for being idiots and nearly burning the kitchen down all the time, but Everett has serious issues...

One time Greyson used Everett and Logan's shower and got Ev's towel wet. World war three broke out. His shit was totally and completely lost.

Another incident happened when Holden got Ev's favorite pair of sneakers all creased and muddy.

I genuinely thought that was the day Holden Zhao was going to die.

He doesn't have anger issues... I don't think so any way, but Ev does have a very short fuse. And when said fuse blows- you need to run far, far, away.

But I guess Willow would be used to it by now, she is his sister after all, so I'm not really scared for her like I usually am when someone pisses Everett off.

Although I am a little concerned Wills secretly possesses the same rage deep in her DNA...

"We've still got ages!" Everett mocks his sister on the phone, making his voice high pitched and squeaky. "Willow, I'm not fucking around. If you aren't here in ten Coach will make us leave without you."

Coach Johnson has a soft spot for Willow, but she does not tolerate tardiness. There's no doubt in my mind that she'll make us board the plane without our photographer.

Ev pulls his face away slightly from the phone and sweeps his eyes over the group.

Reese is on the floor- leaning against a wall and typing away on his phone. Holden is sat right next to him, although he chose to perch on his suitcase, and Greyson is sat on the other side of Reese- his head resting against Reese's shoulder.

The rest of us are scattered around a little more with Logan standing in the center along with some of the training staff, checking out all our tickets and boarding passes.

"T, do you know where Coach Maddie is?" He asks, his eyes snapping to mine.

I stand up on the bench I plopped myself down onto and do a quick check of our surroundings. "Nope, I think she said she was going to the bathroom. Or maybe it was to go get some snacks? I don't remember... sorry."

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