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"Tate?" The receptionist calls

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"Tate?" The receptionist calls. "She's ready for you."

I nod anxiously and gulp down the lump building up in my throat. The reception looks at me sympathetically.

"Right down the hall, to the very end- left side."

I mumble a quick thank you drag myself down the lit up hallway reluctantly.

My nose burns with that ultra-clean typical Doctors office smell. I think they've attempted to mask it with some air freshener but now my senses are just overloaded with the scent of bleach and lavender.

When I reach the end of the hall, I find an open door to my left. A little plaque on the wood reads 'Dr P. Hudson PhD'

A tall woman with braided hair grins at me from the doorway. "Hi, you must be Tate?" She asks, holding her hand out to shake.

I accept her handshake and return a small smile of my own.

I'm gestured further into her office. "I'm Doctor Hudson. It's nice to finally meet you in person rather than over the phone."

She softly closes the door behind us and takes a seat in a padded leather armchair. I follow suit and place myself on the matching couch directly across from her.

"So, I understand you're not from around here?"

I nod slowly. "No, erm, I'm from Michigan. I moved here a little over two weeks ago."

"I see." Doctor Hudson purses her lips and grabs the notebook on her side table. "And how are you finding The Great White North so far?"

"Erm, it's great. Yeah... I love it."

She looks at me over the rim of her glasses. "But?"

Damn. This shrink is good.

"I guess I'm homesick. Missing my family, friends, my girlfriend- erm, ex-girlfriend, sorry."

"You don't need to apologise, Tate." She smiles and clicks the cap off of her pen. "Do you want to tell me why you've come here?"

By here she doesn't mean Canada. She means 'Why did you decide to come to therapy, Tate'.

She probably thinks it's about time we jump into the real good stuff- the juicy bits of my psyche.

Doctor Hudson and I have had 3 conversations over the phone since I moved to Vancouver 2 weeks ago.

I knew that I desperately needed to work on myself before I would even allow Willow to forgive me- if she fucking wants too, Jesus.

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