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The low hum of the television in the living room had been racking against Y/N's skull all morning. Laying in her bed, she buried herself into the blankets and pillows. Her head was throbbing and her throat was raw- Sickness didn't look great on her.

Ever since coming back to the apartment, she had ben throwing herself into her school work. Addison was gone most days and nights now and with midterms coming up, Y/N really had no excuse to not be doing her homework. She saw Tyler here and there when he came over to see Addison- but they hadn't gone skating again or hung out since the last time due to their busy schedules.

Tyler was working extra hard with the team now that they actually had a shot at the playoffs, and Y/N was practically marinating her brain in calculus and science theory. So while their interactions were always pleasant, they didn't see each other unless it was in passing.

With Addison working almost every night and having practices in the day, Y/N didn't have anyone around to remind her to take a break and walk around or get something to eat. She had quite literally worked herself to the bone, causing herself to be hit by a flu that she was no stranger to.

Her body definitely reacted to high levels of stress. Sometimes she just needed a good nap to get herself going where as other times she fell ill- much like that day.

Laying in her bed with nothing but a pair of shorts and a large tshirt, the girl whimpered into her pillow- her headaches were coming on in the form of migraines and she wasn't sure how much more she could take.

There was a faint sound of voices heading towards her room causing the girl to groan. Her door was pushed open and a familiar face popped in. "Someone told me that the princess was hungover."

Rolling her eyes, Y/N huffed. "One im not a princess, and two- why are you here? Don't you have a game tonight ty?" she asked her sister's boyfriend.

Tyler chuckled, walking in and sitting down next to the girl on the edge of the bed. "Actually, we have a game tonight." he told her. Holding up two tickets to the stars game, He couldn't stop beaming.

"I have been holding onto these for a while and I thought tonight would be the perfect night- were playing nashville and you look like you could use a pick me up." he handed her the tickets, watching as the smile sprung to her face.

While she was still feeling ill, she knew that this would certainly bring her out of the dumps. Noticing her expression Tyler chuckled. "Drink a bottle of dayquil or something- I'll get in touch with Addison and let her know that there has been a change of plans" he explained, ruffling her hair and heading on his way out. "Oh by the way- I left something for you on your desk." he pointed to a black box wrapped with a satin bow.

As he lef the apartment, Y/N laid back in bed- a giddy smile on her face. Surely she felt sick, but Tyler had a point. She could use a pick me up- after all, was she really going to let a sniffle keep her from using behind the glass seats? Not likely.

Sitting in the passenger seat of her sister's car, Y/N tapped her legs in anticipation. Her torso was hugged by a victory green Stars jersey with a familiar name imprinted across the back of her shoulder blades. It fit like a glove, it was made for her.

"Can you stop doing that?" Addison grumbled from beside her, donning her own stars jersey, however she didn't look nearly as excited as her sister did. Her lips were formed into a permanent scowl and her eyes were narrowed with annoyance against the road.

Y/N pouted softly but nodded, stopping her leg from jittering in it's place. "Whats wrong with you?" she asked, mumbling against her hand as she leaned against the door.

right thing wrong time | tyler seguinWhere stories live. Discover now