Arc 4: Chapter 82

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Reaching the party venue which was hosted by a duke named Duke Hill, Judas was the first to get down before Elenor did while holding on to his hand.

"This seems like a big party.." Elenor commented, staring at the building in front of them.

Judas gazed at the building where the party is held at and nodded, "..Yeah it's for his daughter's birthday, she's turning eighteen today."

Elenor kept quiet, losing herself in her own thoughts. The days seem shorter now as the year was soon coming to an end.

"Ah you would be turning seventeen next year right?" Judas turned to her.

She returned back from her train of thoughts and nodded. "Yes, around summer is my birthday."

"What a coincidence my birthday is around summer too." he answered in awe.

"Perhaps we can celebrate our birthdays together if we can." he added on.

"That sounds fun but for me to celebrate my birthday together with the crown prince is kinda...pressuring." Elenor joked and laughed as they headed inside the party.

"Really? Then would it be better if we celebrate it with people we're close with?" Judas suggested before he realised her words and became flustered.

"Is it too pressuring? I'm sorry for suggesting! I just wanted to celebrate our birthdays together.." he showed a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck.

Elenor laughed at his reaction, finding it funny as he didn't get her teasing.

"I was kidding prince Judas."

" were?"

They continued chatting until they were inside the party venue. Many guests at the party glanced over at the odd combination yet did not dare to go over and disrupt their conversation.

"Look at the amount of food they prepared!" Elenor commented in amazement, taking a little bit of everything onto her plate.

Judas happily watched her without commenting on the amount of food that was piling up on her plate. The guests who were close by stared at her with judgement but couldn't insult or say anything as the prince was with her.

All they could do was swallow down their words and pretend they didn't see anything odd. Elenor finished grabbing the food she wanted and was about to dig in when she remembered her manners.

She cleared her throat and timidly glanced over at Judas. He shook his head, waving his hand forward,

"Just eat. Nobody would dare to comment or insult you right now."

"..My apologies.." she bowed before slowly eating her food.

It wasn't a large portion but in the noble's eyes, it was far too much for a lady.

Judas looked to his right before turning back to Elenor who was savouring the familiar food she had missed ever since she came into this world.

"Lady Elenor, I'll be right back. I need to greet the duke and wish his daughter a happy birthday." Judas whispered into her ear.

She nodded and waved goodbye as he hurriedly left to speak to the host of the party. Elenor blankly ate her food, observing her surroundings and ignoring the daggers from ladies she had been receiving since she came inside with Judas.

Shortly after that, Elenor noticed a familiar figure with white hair however the person next to her wasn't who she expected.

"Alec isn't with her...?" she muttered to herself, taking another bite before nearly choking on it once she took a better look at the man beside Hera.

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