Arc 4: Chapter 89

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Elenor felt like she was floating in the air. It was quiet and nobody disturbed her.

'Am I dead?' she questioned herself.

As if someone was answering her, she suddenly heard a voice. An extremely familiar voice she had heard her entire life.

She slowly opened her eyes to find herself in an apartment which was almost three times smaller than her room back at the Marquess' household. However instead of an unknown room, she knew where she was.

She was back in her apartment in her world. She blinked her eyes before rubbing them in disbelief. She returned back to her world?

"Impossible..." she muttered to herself but quickly looked around the apartment, double checking if it truly was her apartment which it was.

"I must be dreaming.." she then proceeded to pinch herself but felt a short pain jolting up her skin.

Remembering that she heard a voice before this, she looked around but found nobody until she heard water running from her toilet. Not long after, a figure emerged out of the bathroom with a towel around their neck.

"Phew that was really healing! Hot baths are the best!"

Elenor widened her eyes in shock as she watched her previous self wiping her hair with the towel around her neck.

She had brown eyes with two tiny moles under each eye and short brown hair which was extremely messy looking as she ruffled it with the towel. Silver rimmed glasses rested on her nose bridge.

Elenor realised something was off and looked down at her body. Her upper body was intact however her lower half was gone and was instead smoke. Her face paled at the sight of it.

'So I'm really dead!?'

"Beer~ Beer~ Delicious beer~"

While Elenor was freaking out, she heard her previous self humming as she rummaged through her fridge before closing it shut with a can of beer in her hand.

'For now let's observe...' she thought to herself, calming down.

Her previous self sat in front of her laptop and cracked her knuckles, "I should start thinking of the plot for the second book."

Hearing this, Elenor was able to confirm she was watching herself before she suddenly woke up in her book. She floated down, standing behind her previous self, watching her randomly blasting music as she wrote.

Her previous self let out a yawn, her eyes slowly drooping. Quickly, she shook her head, slapping herself on the cheeks.

"Don't fall asleep yet Hyejin! You need to finish the first chapter at least!!" her previous self muttered but it wasn't effective as she fell asleep on her laptop within minutes.

Elenor sighed, shaking her head at her own self. Watching her previous self made her embarrassed, it felt like she was watching an old recorded video her parents used to do when she was young.

Elenor wondered why she was here when she noticed smoke seeping into her apartment.

She furrowed her brows in confusion before she heard loud crackling. In no time, more smoke filled her apartment and the door to her apartment was burned by the fire.

She could hear shouting outside and cries from the inside yet her previous self did not move.

'Is this how I died..?'

Before Elenor saw her body being burnt into a crisp, the scenery right before her changed.

There was no fire seen but people dressed in black with quiet sobs echoing. She then saw her family standing near a coffin with tears running down their faces.

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