Extra 1

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This is an extra so it does not do anything with the plot of the story!!

Alec was walking around the estate, making sure everything was going in order. It was early in the morning, the sun was slowly rising. Every worker who noticed his presence shot him a smile before continuing their work. He would return a small nod and continue walking.

He casually took his pocket watch out. Elenor had bought him a new one after he had given his previous one to her.

"For now please use this one!!" she said, handing him a golden pocket watch which had a rose craving on the top.

He didn't mind that she had his pocket watch. If it makes her happy then he will give everything to her. Including his heart. However after he received a pocket watch personally from her, it never left his side. Everywhere he went, the pocket watch was with him.

She personally bought one for him so he will cherish it forever.

He checked the time and nodded to himself before placing the watch back inside his coat pocket. It was time to wake Elenor up for the day.

Making his way to her room, though he had an expressionless face, his pace had picked up as he wanted to see her as soon as possible.

He stopped in front of her door and lightly knocked on the door before walking in. As usual, she was sleeping soundly. The blankets on her was a mess with one of her feet sticking out of it. He quietly looked at her for a while before waking her up.

"Milady it's time to wake up." he spoke, shaking her with enough strength to wake her up.

Groaning, her eyes fluttered open. She blankly stared at the ceiling before turning to Alec.

"I have asked the chefs to prepare pancakes for today's breakfast."

He knew this would wake her up more and it did just like he suspected. Elenor's eyes that were cloudy with sleepiness disappeared and sparkled in glee.

"Pancakes?" she asked eagerly.

Alec nodded. With his confirmation, she sprung out of her bed and quickly got herself clean and dressed before making her way to the dining hall where the pancakes will be served. Alec easily followed her from behind, watching her mood increase more at the sight of pancakes.

He softly clicked his tongue. How come pancakes made her more happy than his presence itself? He wished pancakes didn't exist here. He didn't care if he was being petty and jealous over a type of food.

After breakfast, Elenor turned to him and smiled. Seeing that look on her face, his jealousy easily dissipated and warmth grew in his chest.

"Lady Rosina will be coming over today for a tea party."

Alec's mood went sour after hearing that but didn't show it and nodded. "I will begin preparing it milady."

"Thank you Alec. We will be having it outside my balcony."

"Understood." he bowed and left to prepare.

He had a frown on his face as he did the preparations for her small tea party. Everyone who walked past him didn't dare to speak to him or upset him. Alec of course, didn't notice this and continued what he was doing.

When afternoon arrived, Lady Rosina arrived as well. Elenor greeted her with a happy smile and brought her inside. Alec, who finished preparing everything not long before they arrived, stood beside Elenor in silence.

Rosina clung onto Elenor like a koala bear which made Alec displeased even more. So what if she was a girl? He didn't want anyone touching Elenor.

Elenor and Rosina took a seat out on the balcony. Alec poured tea into their cups and stood behind Elenor, awaiting to attend to her next orders later.

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