Arc 2: Chapter 26

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Arriving back at the estate, the gate guards greeted her and allowed her through. Not even a quarter way through walking inside, she hears someone calling for her.


Alec came running towards her before grabbing hold of her shoulders forcefully, "Where have you been?!"

'Ah. This reminds me of brother Richard.'

"I got dragged out by Lloyd," Elenor answered, scratching the nape of her neck.

Carefully glancing up at Alec, she could see the distress in his eyes. There was a frown on his face, his brows wrinkling up. He looked frightening to others yet Elenor didn't see that. Holding the books in one arm, she gently brushes the strands of hair away and smoothen out the frown.

"Stop frowning, you're only 16 so if you keep frowning like that when you get older all you have are wrinkles," she nagged.

The gentleness from her caused him to freeze up on spot. Elenor didn't pay any heed to this and patted his shoulders.

With a smile on her face, she said, "Nobody likes a man who looks older than his age,"

Heading inside the house, Elenor hummed to herself wondering if she should ask the chefs to make some desserts for her before dinner. Alec was still standing in the same position while Elenor disappeared into the house.

The feeling of her fingers touching his hair lingered. The warmth from them was still there. An unfamiliar warmth once again. Alec clenched the fabric at his chest before releasing his hold on it.

"..What is happening to me..?" he whispered to himself before heading back inside to return back to his usual work.

Elenor was oblivious to Alec's drift of thoughts, only interested in what kind of desserts she should ask the chefs to prepare for her while she read the new books she borrowed from the palace library.

The next couple of weeks, Lloyd often came over or wrote a letter to Elenor asking her if she was free to hang out with him. Sometimes he would ask Richard to relay his message but it usually resulted in him getting beatings from him.

(She found out by Lloyd himself complaining about it.)

At first, she would reject or ignore the invites but she finally gave in and agreed after many long struggles of pestering from Lloyd. But because of him, Elenor's days were filled with excitement and amusement. Other than Alec, she could say Lloyd was another friend of hers which came off surprising to others since before this she was 'in love' with him and he disliked her.

"Milady, are you meeting with his highness today as well?" one of the maids that always helped her dress up, asked with glee in her tone.

Elenor nodded, "That's right, he said there was a new dessert cafe in the capital so we were planning on checking it out."

Another maid, the second one clasped her hands in together, her eyes sparkling, "What shall milady wear today! I was thinking of something cute for once,"

"No no how about something more on the pretty yet mature side? Milady fits it so well!" the third and last maid that helped her get dressed said.

"I say something perfect for a simple date in the capital!" the first one voiced out.

Soon the three maids had a bicker, showing each other the dress they wanted Elenor to wear for the day. Elenor watched as they continued bickering about clothing choices before something that the first maid had said fully registered in her head.

Sighing, she pushed back her hair, "How many times must I say that every time I go out with his highness it isn't a date? We're friends,"

They turned to Elenor which looks of doubt washed over their face before continuing to bicker once more. Elenor shook her head, knowing that she had to choose which one to wear in the end or else they would never stop this fight.

She chose a simple white long sleeve blouse with a long red silhouette skirt that covered her feet. The blouse had ruffles at the chest area and the sleeves were slightly poofy at the shoulders to the elbow before it wrapped around her wrist perfectly. The skirt waistband wrapped tightly, showcasing her small waist. Its silhouette flowed perfectly, not too big or small.

She paired the outfit with a pair of black ruby slipper heels, making it less prone to falling. For her hair it was curly and braided into a waterfall braid all around the head. The maids did her usual makeup and added accessories on her. She wore jeweled earrings which matched her outfit and attached a red gem brooch in the middle of her collar, completing the look.

"As always milady looks splendid!" the maids praised, nodding proudly.

If it was back then, Elenor would continue assuming they were only giving fake empty compliments but now that she was quite close to them, she knew they weren't giving empty compliments. She smiled and nodded. After she bid them goodbye, she walked out of her room to find Alec waiting for her.

"Ah Alec. Is he here already?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

He shook his head and took out his pocket watch, "You have about ten minutes before the time,"

Elenor nodded, keeping note of the time, "I see, shall we walk around the gardens then?" she suggested.

"As you wish, milady." Alec bowed.

Elenor noticed these days he has been distancing himself from her. It was like the wall she thought she broke down was built back up and this time it was made out of iron instead of bricks. She didn't know what she had done to have made him like this. She has been good to him this whole time!

Although she wanted to find out the reason and solve this problem, she couldn't if he won't even let her try. Wallowing in her sadness silently, they walked around the gardens before Lloyd came to get her. It was a rule created by her family that if he ever wanted to bring her out, he had to personally come and get her. Elenor knew this rule was implemented by Richard after he convinced their parents to agree with it.

"Alec, remember when I pricked myself on the thorns?" Elenor laughed as she remembered what had happened months ago.

Alec kept quiet, merely nodding. Elenor released a small sigh before smiling. She reached out to touch the flowers when a strong hand came in view and held her wrist. She tried to shake the hand off but it didn't budge, holding on to her firmly.

"You'll get pricked again," Alec stated, bringing her hand further away from the flowers. His hands felt warm yet his voice was cold.

"Alright.." she nonchalantly said, bringing her hand back to her side.

Silence fell on them as they strolled around but Elenor wanted to ask a question. She took in a deep breath, licking her lips before turning to Alec.


"Yes milady."

"Have you been distancing yourself from me?"


"Why have you been?"


"Have I done something to you?"


He wouldn't respond to her questions which made her grow agitated but she kept her cool. She continued waiting for his reply but nothing came. Elenor let out a soft scoff before shaking her head.

"Never mind. If you aren't going to respond then forget I asked,"


"Milady, his highness has arrived." a gatekeeper called out.

"I will be right there." Elenor replied back.

She turned her heels and headed to the entrance, leaving the garden. She didn't bid Alec goodbye as she walked past him without a glance. Her heels clacked against the floor until she disappeared.

Alec's hand stretched out towards her but stopped midway. Curling his fingers inwards, he dropped his hand down and watched as she walked away from him.


Author's note: a clash between elenor and alec ψ(._. )> (mmMMm we love conflict) also i originally wanted alec to be a year younger than elenor but then i was like nah make him a year OLDER instead so yeah she's 15 and he's 16!

i'm also updating a day earlier because i have a test tmr so i can't update then sorry~

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