Q&A Session~ Part 2

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nwh: andddd we are back! hello everyone this is the q&a session part 2!! as you all know, i nearly got killed by my own cast,,,so part 2 was immediately released after the first, let's start the second part with Isabella o(*>ω<*)o


Isabella: finally, my body is aching from sitting on this chair and waiting the entire time (ꐦ°᷄д°᷅)!

nwh, in tears: i am very sorry!!!

Isabella: hmph! read the questions to me, i want to finish this asap!

nwh: first question is from 'Whata_KnightMare'

Question 1; You are my favorite character!! Have you got yourself a lover?

Isabella, raising an eyebrow: oh? i am your favourite character? as one should!! and...no i do not have a lover..yet

Richard: ? is there something on my face?

Isabella: n..no! your face is perfectly fine ヽ(≧□≦)ノ author quickly on to the next question!

nwh: next question is from 'bunnyisbae'

Question 2; Can I be your friend too? ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

Isabella: !! if you insist! i am humble and kind enough to accept you as my friend hmph <(  ̄^ ̄)

nwh: next we have a question from 'nadinemaanaki'

Question 3; Did she marry Eleanor brother?

Isabella, face flushed red: i-i-i-i-i-i...... (●o≧д≦)o!!!!

Rosina: Isabella! she's malfunctioning!

Elenor: brother do something! you're beside her!!

Richard: huh?? oh um

Richard, holding her by his side: Isabella are you alright? you seem really red, are you coming down with a fever?

(Isabella stared at Richard wide eyed before fainting)

Elenor: brother! you messed up!!!

Richard, baffled: i'm sorry ???

(Moments later once Isabella calmed down and woke up)

nwh: shall we still proceed on with the questions ??

Isabella: ...yes.

nwh: alright next is from '-TaeTay-'

Question 4; Did you ever get together with Richard? If so Did you confess or did Richard? Gonna have kids and how many? If not Who did you end up with?

Isabella, flabbergasted: what is with these questions?! skip it! i do not want to answer it!

nwh: then the next and last question is from 'MikyllahJen'

Question 5; Why aren't you on the ending?

Isabella, folding her arms: because this dumb author of ours forgot to include me in!

nwh: that's not true! i was gonna include you but i didn't know where i could!!

Isabella, glaring: excuses!! (╬▔皿▔)╯

nwh: it's the truth! (;'д`)ゞ

Isabella: hmph!


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