Arc 4: Chapter 64

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Elenor stared at the letter that was now in her hands. She had ordered Alice to leave her and Alec alone once she handed the letter over.

A frown made its way onto her face. She twirled the letter around in her hand before finally opening it to see what was inside.

Looking through the contents on the letter, the frown deepened before heaving out a sigh.

"They have personally invited me to their kingdom's annual ball which is held in 2 months." Elenor said, letting Alec know what was written.

"...Do you know anyone from Vaidia?" he questioned but she shook her head in response.

"That's the thing, I know nobody from there so why would someone from there personally invite me?" she mumbled, pondering to herself.

She turned to Alec, "We have to see if Lloyd or Isabella received one of these. If they do then maybe they have invited high status nobles."

Alec nodded, agreeing with her theory. "It is safer to think like that but what if it was only you who received this?"

Elenor began to think again but with her headache still aching, she stopped and fell back into Alec's embrace.

"My head still hurts...I'll think more later." she muttered with a yawn.

Alec shook his head at her but his hand made its way to her back, slowly caressing it. With the rhythmic caress he was doing, she slowly fell back to sleep, snuggling into his arms for warmth.

As she fell into slumber, she couldn't help but feel like something was off.

' feels familiar..'

The next day she felt better and decided to pay a visit to both Isabella and Lloyd to enquire about the letter.

"Lloyd!" Elenor shouted as she burst into his office without a warning, scaring him.

He glared at her before putting his pen away. "Elenor? Another surprise visit?"

She nodded smugly before taking a seat. Alec stood beside her in silence, glancing coldly over at Lloyd before back at Elenor.

Lloyd's eyebrow twitched. What did he do to deserve the cold shoulder?

Elenor stretched her arms before looking over at him. "Did you get a letter from Vaidia?" she jumped straight into the question.

Lloyd paused before nodding. Elenor heaved out a sigh. Before arriving, she had met up with Isabella and asked her the same question.

They had received a letter as well which had similar content inside it but it was only selected people who received this letter.

But the wax seal was different for Isabella. She had a silver seal whereas Lloyd, who was a royal blood, received a gold seal. However, Elenor had the same exact seal as Lloyd.

Lloyd saw the letter with wide eyes. "How did you get this seal?" he questioned but Elenor could only shrug as she too did not know.

"Let's think about that later," she waved it off before her eyes held a spark of interest.

"The letter says you can invite one person with you. You're bringing Rosina right?"

Lloyd coughed and bashfully looked away, "She already agreed..."

Elenor slapped his back proudly, "Good boy! I knew you weren't a coward!"

"Yea-ow! Elenor stop that hurts!" he complained, rubbing his back in agony.

"What about you? Who are you inviting?" he asked after the pain subsided.

Elenor grinned before proudly pointing over at Alec. Lloyd stared, puzzled.

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