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"I can't believe you're moving away when I am planning to move back," He said as twirled her curly braid "Can't you cancel the transfer?"

"Nope! It's too late" she pouted. "Don't worry it's just for 2 years"

"2 years! Are you kidding me! That's a lot"

They were both laying on the rug naked; he was propped up on his elbow gazing into her eyes affectionately.

"Why are you moving back though, what about your job?" She asked him.

"I am exiting the company...partially, I sold half of my stake so I can invest it and start up something else in Nigeria," He said.

"Why? Aren't things going great in the Company?" She asked concern in her voice.

"This is normal; the Tech industry is fast-paced and very dynamic. Founders exit all the time to chase new ventures, I also want be an investor on the side" He said.

They were both silent for a while then he suddenly sat up and took her hands in his.

"Toyin....I love you. I never said this to you before, but I have always loved you. I fell for you the moment you held my hand in that Airport and asked me not to leave Nigeria."

"I was not firm and I never made you feel secure in my feelings for you; I was not assertive enough so now I am saying it...with my full chest. I love you and I want to be with your man" His eyes glistened, he seemed to be blinking back tears.

Someone must have been 'cutting onions' because her eyes started welling up with tears too.

She squeezed his hands and looked up at him with teary eyes.

"This thing I have for you is deeper than you think, I can't go on..." His phone rang and he apologized then answered it anxiously.

"Hello, are you here now?" He said into the phone with a frown as he quickly struggled into his jeans. It looked like he was expecting someone. "Okay come upstairs"

He raised a finger to her "Don't move stay put, I'll be right back!" Then he dashed to the door and came back with a huge bouquet of flowers.

She giggled when he returned. He looked so freaking funny and hot the same time, he was shirtless, had only his jeans on and huge bouquet of pretty flowers in his hands.

"So I ordered these flowers since in the morning, but these idiots couldn't deliver them to my hotel room in time because of Lagos traffic. I wanted to make a dramatic return by appearing  with the flowers you know, like they do in the movies but this Lagos is a romance killer"

She laughed so hard with tears running down her cheeks. How could she let someone like him slip away from her? Osaze is the funniest person she knows, he is kind, he is smart, he is sweet, he is sexy what was she even thinking.

"But I refuse to be defeated, we die here, my baby must get her flowers" He handed them to her then continued his speech "Anyway, where was i sef....So yeah, I love you Toyin"

She smiled and kissed him on the cheeks as he handed her the bouquet "I love you too"

"I know you like your job. I am not even going to ask u to compromise on that and I'm not gonna ruin your wanderlust plans either. If seeing the world is what you want to do right now then I will support you. Heck I'd go wherever with you"

"You are my anchor, wherever you are is my home," He added casually as he sat back down on the rug and took her back in his arms.

"So when is your first shift?"

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