Chapter 11

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"Hey! Zionian freak, you're in my seat."

After weeks of the name calling and insults, I should have gotten used to this by now. However, as I stood to confront my newest tormentor, the all too familiar anger and annoyance filled me.

I turned to face yet another human twerp. I was taller than him by an easy foot. Also,where I had honed my body to perk fitness with daily workouts at the compound. It was clear that the most exercise this guy got was when he got up from the couch to get food from the fridge.

If I were human this guy would be pissing his pants right about now. Better yet, if I were human he never would have had the guts to say anything to begin with.

But I'm not human.

And that meant that even the weakest of the pack could say whatever they wanted to me. They knew there was nothing me or any of the other Zionians could do in retaliation.

It was starting to really piss me off. And I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep the others in check. These humans didn't know the bear they were poking at.

"Well, I'm sitting here now." I managed to keep the malice to a low threat in my tone. "So I suggest you find another one."

"Yeah and with the stench coming from you, may I suggest one on the other side of the room." Zeena crinkled her nose in disgust from the seat next to mine. "Or maybe in another building."

The kids newfound bravery wavered quickly as his face turned as red as a beet and he turned tail.

"Really?" I quirked an eyebrow as I returned to my prized seat.

"What? He smelled like he hasn't showered in over a month." Zeena shrugged a shoulder and turned back to the paper she was doodling on. The picture looked suspiciously like an Amber/devil combo. Truthfully, pretty accurate.

If I thought for even a second that things would change were she was concerned after the beach near drowning accident, I would be sorely disappointed. She acted like any Zionian was completely invisible to her.

Where before I may catch her sneaking glances my way, now she acted like we were beneath her notice. And the rest of the school followed her example. With the few exceptions, like the 'chair boy', who were trying to prove something by bullying the 'aliens'.

"And here comes the Princess herself." Zeena muttered drawing my attention to the classroom door.

I couldn't help myself, no matter how much I disliked her, I still found my eyes drawn to her when in her vicinity. Which unfortunately was a lot since we were in almost every class together. She was everywhere, with her bright smiles, and stunning eyes. Smiles for everyone, that was except the Zionians.

It was as though the incident on the beach had never happened.

As she entered the room I wasn't the only one taking her in. She was dressed in a short sundress today and her long mane of hair was pulled up in a high ponytail showing off her slender neck.

She looked gorgeous... and she also looked like hell.

She had bags under her eyes that I hadn't seen since that first day of school and she was moving as though every step caused her pain.

I wasn't the only one that noticed this. Her boyfriend, whose name I had learned was Brad, jumped up quickly to relieve her of her backpack and took her arm in his, leading her to their seat directly in front of my own.

"What's going on?" I could hear him muttered, too low for human ears. "It's not time for your treatment again until next week."

What treatment? Was she sick?

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