Chapter 43

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"Is this seriously all you could get?" The older man was really close to getting decked if he didn't start showing some gratitude soon. "We need much more than this. Do you have any idea how big this operation is?"

"You know it's a lot riskier for me to get these than it is for you." Once again, I voiced my confusion on why this was falling on me.

"You didn't get caught again did you?" He hissed, clearly not liking my tone. He was older, ranked higher, I was expected to bow to him. To bad for him, I bowed to no one.

Except maybe to one sexy red-head. I smirked just thinking about her and my stolen kiss. "No, I didn't get caught again."

"Then why are you skimping me?" He threw down the small bag I had brought, onto the park bench.

"Believe it or not, stores run dry, apparently there's a shortage." I had taken as much as I could find, but lately that wasn't much. "Want to explain to me why you need so much of this stuff?"

I had been kept in the dark and I was getting tired of being the errand boy.

"It's not your concern." He snatched the bag back up as though it were holding diamonds. "Just get me more by the end of the week. Or you won't like the consequences."

"Is that a threat, old man?" I stood, facing off against him. I easily stood a head taller. "I don't take well to threats."

"Well you better get used to them boy." He backed down to head down the path, pausing only to throw out some parting words. "The road your taking that's all we deal in."

I wasn't an idiot. Growing up parentless on a foreign planet had taught me many things. One of those being who I needed to fear. It was clear to me as I watched the man walk off, clutching the bag as though his life depended on it that while I may not fear him. I did not want to get on the bad side of whoever it was that terrified him.

Today was the last day of Thanksgiving break from school. I figured now was as good a time as any to try to get my task accomplished. Unfortunately, once school was back in session it ate up so much of my days. A waste of time if you asked me, but if it made the humans more comfortable with our presence so be it.

I didn't bother with invisibility as I walked the short distance from the park to the shops in the down town area. I just threw up the hood on my jacket. With the temperatures dropping and a cool wind whipping through the streets, I fit right in with the others who were wandering the streets.

I smiled to myself when I arrived at the large windows looking into the pharmacy I had become familiar with over the months. There, stacking items onto shelves, was a girl with a burning head of fiery hair. For a moment I simply stood there taking her in.

She had in some headphones and was listening to music while she worked. The pharmacy was mostly empty of customers so she felt more free to be herself. Every couple of steps down an aisle she would take a second to dance to the beats only she could hear.

When she got caught by an elderly gentleman who turned down her aisle when she wasn't expecting anyone she turned an adorable shade of red that matched her hair.

Knowing I looked like a creeper, standing there staring into a pharmacy's windows, I finally entered. Timing my entrance so her back was turned.

"Welcome to Long's Pharmacy." She called in a practiced voice. "Let me know if there's anything I can do for you." She didn't even pause in her stacking of products.

Luckily, she was working on just the section I needed.

I started to advance when suddenly another red-head joined her. Turning my back to the mother and daughter I made sure all my markings were covered and pretended to examine the products on a shelf as I listened in to their conversation.

"Did we not have any more Echinacea in the back?" The elder Long asked her daughter.

"No, we're cleared out of feverflu as well."

"I just can't understand why they are so popular all the sudden." Lindsey mom sighed. "We'll have to get some from the herb garden at home this week. I know Mr. Hapright has been buying it left and right, his poor mother has him convinced it's the answer to every ache and pain."

"I mean it's not like it can hurt anyone to take it, right?"

"No, they're completely natural. Just remind me tomorrow and I'll make more capsules of them, we have plenty growing just no time to harvest it."

I heard the mother walking away. It appeared I wouldn't be getting what I came here for today. Lucky thing that I know knew were I could get a large supply.

"Let me guess, your mother sent you in for tampons." Lindsey's voice directly behind me pulled me back to the present. "Or are you going to blame a sister this time."

Only then did I focus on the product I had been pretending to examine. Turned out I had wandered straight to the feminine product section.

"No, these are all for me sunshine." I wasn't sure how she had recognized me with my hood up, but then again there weren't many guys who had my height. "Never know when a female friend may be in need of supplies." I winked as I turned to face her.

Instantly anger filled her face. "I guess you could always use them to plug your huge ego. What are you really doing here?" She snatched the box of tampons from my hand, returning them to there rightful place on the shelf.

"Would you believe me if I said I came here to see you?"

"No." She called me out on the bullshit. What she didn't know is that a large part of me had wanted to see her. It had been a weeks since I last saw her in class and I hated to admit it put I kind of missed her. I missed watching her and her fiery reactions to me.

"Well I did." Unable to resist I smoothed a piece of hair to tuck it behind her ear. "It's been a long week without you, sunshine."

"I'm sure you survived just fine." She was all bravado, but as I used a finger to trace her lush lips she didn't push me away.

"But I didn't. That's why I'm here. I wanted to ask you on a date." Her jaw almost fell to the floor she was so shocked at my words.

"You realize your not supposed to be out of the compound, let alone going on a date." She glanced around, suddenly realizing I was standing out in public. "You could get in a lot of trouble if you're caught."

"Aww...are you worried about me sunshine?" I teased.

"No...I would be bad for all of you." All of us? Who else was she worried about?

"Well I wasn't going to take you to the local diner." I grabbed her around the waist, pulling her into my body. "I was thinking I'd come to your place."

I could tell she was going to say no. I could see the suspicion in her eyes. She wasn't like other girls who simpered and caved at the slightest hint of flirting. No she had more backbone than that.

"Please. I just want to hang out. Talk."

"Talk?" She was clearly skeptical.

"I want to get to know you." It was the truth, so I only felt marginally guilty about my ulterior motives. The way I saw it, I was killing two birds with one stone.

"Fine." She finally huffed, pushing on my chest to put space between us and rolling her eyes. "I get off at five."

"Five it is." I smiled a genuine smile.

"And you better bring food. Because I'm totally not cooking for you." She tossed over her shoulder before leaving me staring after her.

This errand was turning out to be more enjoyable than I had ever dreamed it would be.

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