Chapter 19

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Thirty minutes into the dance and I had to admit that so far it, wasn't too bad. That is, if I ignored the fact that my 'date' had effectively glued herself to my side.

Me and the others had arranged to meet Kelly outside the gym after the football game. As soon as she arrived she had latched onto my arm, pulling me into the crowded gym and introducing me to anyone who would listen. Like they didn't already know perfectly well who I was. Like they weren't the same people who had been shunning me and my kind for over a month now. .

At first I had been annoyed at being treated like this humans alien arm candy. Then she had started including the others in the introductions and I had seen the effect her efforts were having.

For the first time, the other students were looking at us with interest instead of animosity. Soon Zeke was deep in conversation with some guys from the football team, talking stats on their favorite pro teams. Zeena was being attacked with questions on her dress and who had done her hair, by a couple of girls I recognized vaguely from classes.

For the first time, they were fitting in.

So I gritted my teeth and forced a half smile when Kelly dragged me to the next group of humans.

"I thought this was a dance." I gritted out after listening to her gush about her dresses designer for the fourth time.

"It is." She gestured around the darkened gym room.

While it no longer looked like a high school gym, with balloons and streamers decorating every available surface and a stage where a band was set up to play. The lighting was turned down and string lights provided for a soft glow throughout the room. No music was playing and no one was dancing. Everyone just seemed to be milling around talking, with some sitting at tables eating the snacks and drinks that were provided.

"There's no dancing at this dance?"

"Not until the Homecoming King and Queen arrive and share their first dance." A smiling blond piped up to answer my question. She practically bounced up and down on her toes as she looked to the staircase entrance in excitement. "They should be here any minute."

"I wonder who she's wearing?" Another girl, with a high pitched voice, questioned. "I bet she looks stunning."

"Like aways." The sarcasm dripping from Kelly's tone had me turning to look at her closely for the first time that night. Where I remember her as always wearing a smile, she now was trying to hide a deep frown.

She rolled her eyes as she pulled me by the arm from that group of girls.

I felt like I was going to regret asking, but I had a feeling I knew who they were talking about. Who this homecoming queen was. As she was the one person I had been looking for since I arrived and the one person I hadn't been able to find. "What are they talking about king and queen?"

Kelly released a heavy sigh before answering. "They crown the Homecoming King and Queen every year at the game. I was on the Homecoming court, obviously." She pointed to a sash that was tied around her body that I hadn't noticed before, saying Homecoming Princess. "But of course, Amber won. I guess I shouldn't have expected anything less."

"I'm sorry." I was surprised to find I actually meant it. It must be hard having your best friend snatch the crown over you.

Before she could say more a man who looked to be part of the band, as he was dressed in a suit that was covered in full sequins and his hair was in a rainbow colored mohawk, stepped up to the microphone set up on stage. "Good evening, ladies and gents." He all but yelled into the sound system. "Is everyone ready to get this evening started?" All around me everyone erupted into cheers.

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