Chapter 5

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Green eyes, staring back at me, starring through me like they had x-ray vision and could see straight into my soul. Thick forearms covered with ink that seemed to flex and shift with each little movement. Square jaw line covered in a rough stubble as though needing a shave.


How was it possible that I could be so attacked to a complete stranger?


And why had I found him so mesmerizing?

"Hey Amber!" I finally snapped out of my musings when a couch pillow hit me squarely in the face.

"Hey!" I shouted, pushing my hair out of my face and moving to protect my arm that had an IV attached to it. "What was that for?"

"Sorry Amber, but you were totally zoned out." Lindsey defended Kelly's attack as she held an ice pack to her head, already nursing a hang over. "We couldn't decide if it was Damon or the brother Jeremy."

"You know she's always had a thing for the brother." Kelly pointed to the television screen where the Vampire Diaries was playing. It was my chemo show, and this was about the fifth time we had all rewatched the series. Somehow, it never got old to us.

Where Lindsey was team Stefan and Kelly was team Damon. I found the brother Jeremy extremely good looking. Now that I thought about it, mystery guy had looked a lot like Jeremy, only darker somehow and with tattoos. Stop thinking about him. I demanded, shaking myself out of thoughts of him for the millionth time..

"Definitely Jeremy." I grabbed a cookie from the plate to have something in my hands, though the last thing I felt like doing was eating. The drugs were already setting in and making me queasy.

"What happened at the lake?" Kelly asked, which was bad because she wasn't normally the observant one out of the three of us. "You've been acting weird."

"Nothing." I lied. I didn't want to tell anyone about the guy I saw. That moment felt private to me for some reason. "Things are just strained between Brad and I."

"I noticed. I mean what was up with him bullying the bar tender. If you want to drink that's none of his business." Kelly immediately came to my defense.

"Well, she did have her treatment." Lindsey said rationally. "She would be feeling ten times worse that I do right now."

I knew she was right. I knew Brad had just been looking out for me. But right now I didn't want to think about any of it. My head was pounding. I felt like I could toss up the meager contents of my stomach at any minute. Add to that every time I closed my eyes I saw glowing green eyes looking back at me.

"I'm surprised you even noticed Kells, what with your tongue so far down Matt's throat." I teased, hoping to draw attention away from me.

   This was news to Lindsey, who's jaw dropped as she turned questioning eyes on our friend.

"What?" Kelly shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal, but her cheeks had turned as red as Lindseys hair. "It was just a kiss."

"Quiet a lot of wondering hands beneath the water for just a kiss." I teased.

"Ugh!" Kelly threw a couple pieces of popcorn at me. "You and your freaky underwater eyesight."

"So, you and Matt." Lindsey seemed to be contemplating the idea of the two as a couple. "I think you'd be cute together."

"Get it out of your head Lindz." Kelly shot a glare my way clearly not happy I had ratted her out to Lindsey, the helpless romantic of our group. "We are just friends who happen to find each other attractive."

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